2019 Summer Recap

4 min readSep 11, 2019


Woah it’s September already? It was just getting fun! So fun in fact that we’ve decided to recap it. There’s lots to go over so we better get started.

6000 Members!!

Well who could forget this really. This was by far the biggest thing this summer. We reached 6000 members on our Discord server! This milestone took far longer to get to than our previous ones, but it was certainly a special one. We decided to make it big and we did various events such as:

  • Launching our long awaited Wumpus Story, a unique lore on Wumpus and the Universe.
  • Held a big party livestream on our Twitch channel.
  • Raised XP rewards and held VC parties.
  • Created a collective Spotify playlist.

Overall, it was a blast. And if you missed it, you should definitely see what we have in store for 7000 members!

Discord Hackweek and Boosting

Discord released a new Nitro Games perk called Boosting. If you want to know more about it read this. Essentially it allows unpartnered servers to get nice perks. Thanks to our epic community we reached 67 boosts in the first week!
That’s way more than required to get into the highest tier of Boosting. We even had the unique https://discord.gg/wumpus link for some time!
Sadly that hype died off and we’re back to 30 boosts. But if you’re reading this and you’re thinking something like ‘’Hey I wanna boost them!’’ then check out our support page.

Next to that Discord also held their first Hackweek event. A week long event where creators do what they love and Discord picks their favorites! One of our community designers called SixSquares even got a spot in there with this cute animation, check it out!

NoNoel’s Break

NoNoel (the community creator) went on a pretty long break to, assumably, play GTA V. And you know what they say; when the cat is away the mice will play. So we did! Stuff like:

  • Raised XP rewards and opened #hug-suggestions for UNIVERSE2.
  • Introduced even more goodies to Nitro Boosting!
  • Held an artwork contest.

Don’t worry if you missed this fun though, we do many events. So check them out in #events and join some upcoming events!

Technical Advancements and Ko-fi

UNIVERSE² is a custom-written version of it’s predecessor UNIVERSE. This summer Alexis has worked so hard on it that it’s now at a mature stage with many things coming soon still. We received things like automated selfroles, leveling, leaderboards and more.

Next to that the Minecraft server (partly thanks to the recent gain in popularity of the game) has received some major changes as well and is now having active players each day. You should really check it out! https://wumpusu.com/minecraft

These are all cool things to compliment our community with. It makes the place unique, independent and more enjoyable. However as you could imagine it’s not easy nor cheap to do. So we launched a ko-fi page. Ko-fi is a service that lets us receive one-time monetary donations from you guys. We have gotten immense support from everyone and completed our estimated total cost of running our servers in 2019 within the first day! That’s truly stunning! We thank everyone for their continued support with some honorable mentions being Nerri, Brad and Thrasilias. If you want to support us as well you can check out the page here https://ko-fi/wumpusu

Moderator Applications

It was a while ago since we last opened for applications, so that made this one a pretty big thing. It was very hard to decide this time but we settled on Spudpotato, Ashdearest, Brad, Skittles and Hyria as our new mods. They nailed their training a few days ago and all became full-fledged mods! But because there were so many amazing applicants this time we felt obliged to at least give some more people a chance by promoting them to Helper. Namely the following: Nitroriffic, zoefkris, Caleb, Edgers and Nerri. Congratulations you guys too!

Other Things

Of course we did so much more than just this. We held events, did livestreams, given away a ton of games and Nitro subscriptions and the list just continues! We can’t possibly list everything. So if you want to experience these things for yourself, join the community at https://wumpusu.com/discord

Sadly, that’s it already. We want to thank everyone for creating this amazing summer with us. You’re all incredible people and keep amazing us with your immense support and love. Keep rocking! We wish everyone good luck with going back to school/work! See you next summer. ❤




Weekly rambles delivered to you somewhere in the middle of your workweek to hopefully cheer you up and show you the perspesctive of a struggling developer.