Carpool 101: Community values

How to act as part of the Wunder community

Thies Grüning
Wunder Mobility Blog
2 min readSep 6, 2018


In this post, I share some quick tips on how to be an awesome carpooler and make the Wunder experience for you and others as smooth as possible.

All points are based on feedback from long-term Wunder users to provide you with the most important values from our experienced community.

Be nice, celebrate carpooling

As members of the Wunder carpooling community, you are helping each other. All of us are on the same team. Make sure to be nice to your fellow carpoolers, respect their preferences and celebrate your positive impact on traffic and the environment.


Finding a ride is just part of the Wunder experience, it’s also about connecting with people. When you’re in the car, get to know each other and share your stories. Make friends and see what you learn.

Things happen, be flexible

A meeting taking longer? Stuck in traffic? These things happen in the cities we live in. If your plans are changing let your fellow carpoolers know with our chat feature or a quick call. This way everybody stays in the loop and can plan accordingly.

Sit in the front

If you are the first or only passenger on the ride — take the front seat and drive to the destination together. Wunder is a community of carpoolers — not a taxi service.

Use your seats

If you own a car, offer multiple seats to carpoolers that match your route. This way you help more community members, have more fun on the ride and cover more of your expenses.



Thies Grüning
Wunder Mobility Blog

In love with mobile, sports and music. Product at Wunder Carpool. CEO of 20Moments.