Carpool 101: Safety

How to stay safe when carpooling

Thies Grüning
Wunder Mobility Blog
2 min readSep 6, 2018


Wherever you live, get home safe :)

Review profiles

When carpooling with someone you haven’t met before take the time to carefully review the profile and don’t compromise. Check how experienced the other person is with carpooling, how many rides they did and if they are verified. Read what other community members say about the person in their reviews. If you’re uncomfortable or have doubts, keep looking for other carpoolers.

Trust your instincts

If a person, situation or profile seems unsafe for any reason, move on. Don’t worry about sounding rude. Be clear about your boundaries and don’t be shy about stating them. Communicate clearly with others and take care of yourself. If you are uncomfortable carpooling alone with someone check if they already have other confirmed passengers on the ride.

Have a backup plan

Know your options. If something doesn’t work out with your carpooler, or if they cancel with short or no prior notice, make sure you have an alternate form of transportation that could get you where you need to go.

Communicate through Wunder

Only give out your phone number or other details to a new person until you meet or feel comfortable with them. Use only the mobile apps to communicate. Confirming rides and keeping all communication on Wunder helps our Trust and Safety team identify issues and react quickly.

Leave honest ratings

Use the rating system to let other carpoolers know about your experiences with the people you share rides with. Your comments will be visible on the other carpoolers’ profiles. Be honest and transparent to help other community members find suitable carpoolers.

Report negative experiences.

Your help is vital when it comes to building the safest and most trusted carpooling community out there. Reporting safety concerns to the Wunder team helps keep other carpoolers safe. Reach out to whenever you encounter something that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.



Thies Grüning
Wunder Mobility Blog

In love with mobile, sports and music. Product at Wunder Carpool. CEO of 20Moments.