Carpool features explained: Sharing rides

How to share rides through chat and social apps

Thies Grüning
Wunder Mobility Blog
3 min readOct 9, 2018


Our sharing features allow you to give known carpoolers access to your rides even if they don’t have a matching ride set up. You can either share a ride through the Wunder chat or any other chat or social apps. Keep reading to learn how this works in detail.

Sharing rides through Wunder chat

Car-owners can now share rides from ‘My rides’ or the map view. Sharing a ride is like offering a carpool. Just select carpoolers from your favorites or existing chat contacts and share the ride with them. You will have to add at least one stop to the ride before sharing it. This will make the coordination of the ride a lot easier and ensure fair prices.

Confirm carpools without a matching ride

To facilitate carpools with known car-owners, passengers can now easily confirm without having to set up a matching ride beforehand. When you join a shared ride, the app will create a matching ride from the chosen pickup point to the driver’s destination. Once created you can coordinate details with the car-owner via chat and find your ride in ‘My rides’.

Sharing rides on other apps

In addition to sharing through Wunder chat, car-owners can share rides via Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram, Facebook and more. Sharing a ride on other apps will let other potential carpoolers know that you are driving. They will still have to request to join your ride, which means you have full control of who you are carpooling with, even if you share your ride in a larger chat group.

Request carpools without a matching ride

Unlike in shared rides through the Wunder chat, shared rides on other apps are not considered a direct carpool offer. As a carpooler, you still need to send a request when you access a shared ride from other apps. When you request a shared ride the app will create a matching ride from the chosen pickup point to the driver’s destination. Once created you can coordinate details with the car-owner via chat and find your ride in ‘My rides’.



Thies Grüning
Wunder Mobility Blog

In love with mobile, sports and music. Product at Wunder Carpool. CEO of 20Moments.