Carpool features explained: Stops

Thies Grüning
Wunder Mobility Blog
2 min readOct 30, 2018

At Wunder, we defined ‘stops’ as locations that drivers can add to their route to indicate where it is most convenient to stop and pick up or drop off passengers. In this post, we want to give an overview of how stops benefit both drivers and passengers when carpooling with Wunder.

Drivers can (and should) add stops to their rides

To ease the coordination with passengers, drivers can add preferred stops along their route. The stops can be used as a pickup or drop-off location and can be added to any existing ride in the edit ride view or when creating new rides. Passengers that are within a certain range will be matched to preferred stops on the route. Note that as a driver you cannot edit rides when the ride has already started.

Passengers can select a pickup from available stops

Whenever multiple stops are available, an option to edit the pre-selected pickup will be visible in the bubble above the pickup point. Check the screenshot below to see how it looks. On the selection screen, a different pickup can easily be selected by tapping on it.
Note that this option is only available before requesting a ride or accepting an offer. For now, only the pickup point can be changed. The drop-off will still be the closest point on the route of the driver to the passenger’s destination.

Pickup points when sharing rides (through chat)

In addition, we also applied this functionality to the sharing rides feature. When a driver now shares a ride with stops, passengers can select one of the available stops as the pickup point.
As a result, we create a ride from the selected pickup point to the driver’s destination for the passenger and display a price that is only for the covered distance. This should make shared rides easier to coordinate and more reasonably priced.



Thies Grüning
Wunder Mobility Blog

In love with mobile, sports and music. Product at Wunder Carpool. CEO of 20Moments.