#53: State of the Studio

Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2023

Over the next few years, the plan is to evolve the studio from a one-man company into a non-profit co-op owned and run by members. If successful, I imagine other people can use similar models to create and sustain creative communities that play and grow together.


wuruwuru will produce work in seasons, and this one (Season 2) marks the beginning of our transition into a co-op. The studio will be run by me (director) and Williams (manager), with help from friends like Eris, Tomiwa, Temi, Tosin and Samson.

The director and manager are key roles for the studio. I set the vision while Williams helps with strategy and execution. We have equal voting rights to ensure there’s maker-checker control over studio resources, and we’re both responsible for recruitment and operations.

Everyone else starts out as a provisional member, and will be reviewed at the end of a trial period for confirmation. To make this decision fair and transparent, all volunteer work done for the studio (including writing this doc) will be recorded in a public document.


Each season, the studio director will select a bunch of projects to work on, to be funded using studio money. These projects can be anything from publishing experiments to new business models, but they should be achievable and follow similar guiding principles.

The director and manager will pair up to build the operational structure necessary to bring their ideas to life. Together, they’ll determine the time, people, teams and outcomes for each season. I’m directing the studio this season, but next time someone else will do it.


A working group led by the manager will be responsible for raising money for the studio. This function should run independent of project work.

We’re hoping to raise money through grants, family and friends, and crowdfunding. Occasionally, we’ll also make money from selling products and consulting. As of today, we have about 4 million in the bank: revenue from LUDO sales so far, Cover Contest commission fees, and assistant salaries until June.

Season 2

This season, we’re focused on Editorial. The plan is to produce and publish content that helps increase our audience by at least 10x.

On one hand, we’re looking to find more people to use and consume the products we’ve created. On the other, we’re looking to get the attention of more people willing to donate to the studio.


April: how to make an animated short in lagos

Our first release this season is a documentary for Hanky Panky called how to make an animated short in lagos.

May: Album Cover Bank 2.0

Up next, Tomiwa and Lina will launch a new website for browsing the album covers collected in Season 1.

June: Spectrum

In June, the studio will make a prototype for an affordable, locally-printed zine with excellent writing on ideas, design, people and communities.

July: Feel Good

Finally, we’ll close the season with Feel Good, a compilation of queer stories from Edwin Okolo, OluTimehin Kukoyi, Adeniyi Ademoroti, Olakunle Ologunro, Innocent Ilo, Ani Kayode, Mariam Sule-Izuagbe and Fareeda Abdulkareem.

The stories were compiled by Daniel Orubo and edited by Nneoma Kenure and OluTimehin Kukoyi, and will be released in an electric campaign that explores a new storytelling format on the internet. The digital experience will be directed and produced by Studio:Null.


We’re also working with three other studios:

  • Friends of 16: building a new digital experience for 16/16
  • roses roses: exploring the business of selling roses with KANAAL
  • NOMAD: helping EIE Collective with a film screening

