#56: Why E Dey Happen was cheaper than Hanky Panky

Published in
1 min readMay 1, 2023

Hanky Panky cost (~ $18k) to produce over 2 years, while E Dey Happen cost N1.4m (~$2k) over 4 months.

The major difference was the cost of animation: the original animators for HP dropped off, and we had to hire a new team, so we ended up paying twice. The first bill was ~ NGN 2.5m (~ $5k at the time), and the second was similar. We also paid for motion graphics (~ $1k). This brought the cost of animation alone to about $11k.

Also, we also had to work with two different music producers (again, double payment), and because it took so long to complete, the cost of final sound production cost was higher by the time we were done (because, inflation). We also made a documentary for Hanky Panky, and paid to submit it for awards. All of this racked up the cost.

With EDH, we took a different approach from the offset:

  • We went with an easy animation style (and focused on story)
  • We hired a friend to animate (vs. a studio)
  • We bought music (vs. producing from scratch)

All of which resulted in a cheaper, faster production.

