How we’re looking for the rest of the year
E Dey Happen (EDH) is a Nigerian animated show created by Eris Ekanem for wuruwuru. The show follows the lives of three friends — Yatu, Beju and Doja — as they learn to survive the unforgiving city of Lagos.
EDH is a commentary on the human condition. Through its authentic humor, colourful characters and imaginative storytelling, the show addresses universal themes facing young people in the world today.
Our goal is to sell EDH to a major network. These wuruwuru episodes are like a proof-of-concept, but we need the infrastructure of a network to properly develop and distribute the show.
Our approach is to build the series piece by piece. Each new episode will be better than the last in terms of storytelling, animation, and marketing. To fund this, we’ve raised $10k through Independent Arts.
1: Pilot
We published the EDH pilot on May 1, 2023. As of today, we have:
- 1.1k views, 60% from X and IG
- Audience primarily in NG
- 55 followers on TikTok
2: Beju’s Prayer
For Episode 2, our goal is to demonstrate international appeal for the show. We hope to increase views from 1k to 20k while marketing internationally. After achieving this, we’ll start pitching to studios.