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The hacketon was organised by Google and Spil Games and was held at the Spil Games Headquarter The hole idea was to hack some games together with HTML5 and discover the possibility’s of HTML5 and the surrounding API’s

At 8.00hr i left with the train in Antwerp to Hilversum with a stop in Rotterdam and Utrecht. Around 10.30 i arrived at the Spil HQ. There was already a mingling going on. The Game Jam opened around 11.00hr and was lead by Gregory Kukolj of Spil Games with a short intro of what will happen the next 30 hours. Then a introduction of Peter Driessen the CEO off Spil Games.

Around 11.30 there was a presentation of a Game Developer from Spil Games Shangai, He told us about his experience with html5 and give us 10 tips about developing with HTML5. A short word from Google dude Michael Mahemoff about google’s view on HTML5 and the future. And showing the 1ste prize, a Samsung Galaxy Tab. The following 20 minutes Paul Irish came to talk about all the cool stuff around HTML5. And so we begun, i teamed up with a nice dutch guy called Henk Jurriens, who had the great idee to make a Twitter Game. Because i don’t know a lot off Javascript i did the view and Henk the JavaScript.

Stuff we used :

  • The Twitter API
  • The Google Maps API
  • HTML5 <canvas>
  • HTML5 <audio>
  • CSS3
  • Modernizr

Twit Twat Twet : The Game

It is a spin off from the dutch game Pim Pam Pet, you get a question from a card deck and then you spin the wheel. The wheel will stop at a letter and with that letter you have to answer the question as fast as possible.

So in our version we initiate the wheel and get a question and letter those get posted at twitter, now the players have to twit the wright answer. In the tab “result” you can see the incoming answers off the players, and at the tab “map” you can see where the players are located on a google map. with the button “winner” you can see who won this question.

Twit Twat Twet-screenshots

But first we got to eat something in the nice cantine from Spil Games. After eating a great meal we went back upstairs to our mac’s to start working on our idea.

Around 18.00hr there was a presentation from Tino Zijdel creator off the DHTML Lemmings game back in 2003. He came to tell us about what HTML5 is and is not, further he told about the techniques he used for the Lemmings game. Before we knew it was dinner time again. After a nice meal in the same nice cantine from Spil Games, we head back to dive into our Twitter game. I wrote untill 6.00 in the morning, took my sleeping bag an slept for a hour and a half.

At 8.00 a clock breakfast was served, so around 9.00 we where back to coding. We had time until 15.00hr but around 13.00hr we had a basic working demo. Henk prepared a small presentation he would give later. And now we had the time to talk with people and look at their games.

At 15.00hr Henk started as first with the presentations off the 13 games. After an hour the jury get together in a office and came 40 minutes back with the results

3de place was for David & Ales with their version of snake
2de place was for Pornel, Peter & Edwin with Syndicate Enterprise a version of Syndicate
and 1ste Place was for Tom with his MonkeyFortress.
After talking to everybody Henk drops me at the Hilversum station and i went back to Antwerp.

A big thumbs up for Spil Games and Google for this event, also a big thanks to all the speakers and guests and everybody who was there. For me it was a great experience i learned a lot and it made me believe even more in HTML5 . I know the way is still long before the sceptic agree, but the foundation is set. So let’s Hack.

Pic’s off the event

Must Read HTML5 Stuff
HTML5 Editor’s Draft
W3C Validator
Dive Into HTML5
HTML5 Rocks
HTML5 Game Jam
HTML5 Boilerpmates
HTML5 Canvas cheat sheet
HTML5 Site Test

Have Fun

EDIT: Extra articles @
Official Google Blog

Posted 13th October 2010 by Younes Baghor

Labels: HTML5

