5 Data Engineering Project Ideas

Anju Mercian
WWCode Python
Published in
8 min readJun 13, 2022


“Portfolios are everything, promises are nothing. Do the work.” ~ Chase Jarvis

Photo by Leif Christoph Gottwald on Unsplash

“Data Engineering” (DE)

You may have heard about this.

Hmmm…What is this new area? You may know about data science and machine learning, but what is data engineering? Is this a new technology or something that has always been part of the industry, repackaged?

You have been bitten by the curiosity bug. You want to learn about this, and you would like to get your hands dirty, learning.

Or you already know about data engineering and would like to showcase your skills, perhaps to a potential employer or just to satiate your appetite. Or for any other reason.

Working on a project is the best way to learn, and building a portfolio project is a good way to showcase your new skills.

A portfolio project or a capstone project is a well thought out and designed project that showcases your skills to a potential employer or the world.

Side Note: Data Engineering has always been part of the IT industry. But with Big data, this is now a different unit of the IT industry because of the amount of workload and the skills needed to handle copious amounts of data.



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WWCode Python

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Anju Mercian
Anju Mercian

Written by Anju Mercian

ML and Data Enthusiast|Writing about my experience with learning ML/Data