Learn Python: 14 Amazing Webinar Series

Stephanie Rideout
WWCode Python
Published in
5 min readSep 14, 2022
Beginner Python Study Group 2021

The Python programming language is incredibly amazing. The Women Who Code community invites you to explore and celebrate the amazing world of Python through our past webinar study groups and series.

We have covered topics including beginner Python syntax, Python libraries, algorithms, data structures, machine learning, natural language processing, writing clean code, interfaces, and more.

Here are 14 amazing Python webinar series to watch right now:

1. Beginner Python Study Group 2021

Are you new to programming and/or computer science? Do you want to learn about the Python programming language and looking for a place to start? The Women Who Code Python track has launched a Beginner Python Study Group. In our 2021 edition, we journey through the exciting world of Python data types, functions, if/else statements, loops, decomposition, and more with real-time coding exercises.

Grab a cup of tea (or your favorite drink) and code along with us!

Playlist: Beginner Python Study Group 2021

Beginner Python Study Group 2021 Content Session 1

2. Beginner Python Study Group 2020

Are you new to programming and/or computer science? Do you want to learn about the Python programming language and looking for a place to start? In our 2020 edition, we journey through the exciting world of Python libraries, data types, programming logic, useful functions, and modules with real-time coding exercises.

Playlist: Beginner Python Study Group 2020

Beginner Python Study Group 2020 Session 2: Exploring Useful Python Libraries

3. Python Libraries 101

Understanding how to use Python libraries is essential to learning this amazing programming language. Our Python Libraries 101 series explores several popular libraries: Python Standard Library (containers, tools, time, and mathematical computations), data science (NumPy and Pandas), data visualization (Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly), graphical user interfaces (tkinter), image processing (Pillow), computer vision (OpenCV), and Excel workbooks (OpenPyXL).

Each session begins with a conceptual presentation followed by code talk throughs and hands-on implementation. The interactive session allows you to learn how to use libraries so that you can incorporate them into your code on your own in the future.

Playlist: Python Libraries 101

Python Libraries 101: Introduction to Python Standard Library
Python Libraries 101: Data Science: NumPy and Pandas

4. LeetCode Study Group

Are you looking for a place to practice your code interview with a group of Python enthusiasts? Join our LeetCode study group to learn how to solve algorithm patterns problems. We talk through intermediate/medium level problems on LeetCode by recognizing patterns and figuring out a strategy to solve them.

Playlist: LeetCode Study Group

LeetCode Study Group: Problem Solving Techniques and Helpful Resources

5. Less Is More: How to Code Python in One Line

In this exciting series, we hone our Python skills and take them to the next level with powerful Python one-liners. These Python one-liners will save you time on your next project. We invite you to come along with us on this journey to uncover the true potential of the Python programming language, and learn how to do a lot with a little. Each session includes a live coding session using Google Colab.

Playlist: Less is More: How to Code Python in One Line

Less Is More: How to Code Python in One Line Session 1

6. Intro to Data Structures for Python: Ace the Technical Interview

Our study group covers the sub-types of data structures, focusing specifically on Python implementation. We start with an introduction to data structures, and then deep-dive into built-in data structures (lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets), arrays, matrices, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, binary trees, and graphs.

Each session begins with a conceptual presentation and concludes with a live-coding implementation using Google Colab.

Playlist: Intro to Data Structures for Python: Ace the Technical Interview

Intro to Data Structures with Python: Ace the Technical Interview: Stacks and Queues

7. Discover NLP with Python Study Group

Join us in discovering the exciting world of natural language processing (NLP). We begin with the foundations of NLP and deep learning, and we journey to NLP’s applications in machine translation and sentiment analysis.

Playlist: Discover NLP with Python Study Group

Discover NLP with Python Study Group Introduction Session

8. Databases with Python

“With a world so centered around data, databases are an essential component for every developer. Python has a series of tools and libraries that help us manipulate and work with databases using our Python code.”

Our series explores the concepts, theory, and code for SQL and NoSQL databases. The series starts with an introduction to SQL concepts, featuring relational databases, followed by sessions on SQL with Python and NoSQL featuring two popular databases: Firebase and MongoDB.

Playlist: Databases with Python

Databases with Python: Quickstart: An Overview of SQL — Concepts and Structure

9. Introduction to Coding Environments for Python

Jupyter. Visual Studio Code. PyCharm. Are you confused about which IDE or code/text editor to use for your next Python project? Do you want to know the differences between IDE’s and code/text editors? Our Introduction to Coding Environments with Python series will introduce you to some of the popular coding environments used for Python, including: Google Colab, Jupyter notebooks, Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, Vim, Anaconda, and more.

Playlist: Introduction to Coding Environments for Python

Introduction to Coding Environments for Python: Session 1

10. Machine Learning Study Group

In this exciting series, we cover machine learning basics to advanced concepts, including regression, classification, Naive Bayes, SVM, decision trees, random forest, unsupervised learning, evaluation metrics, ensemble learning, neural networks, and deep learning. Each session includes an interactive coding workshop focused on implementing the algorithms with interesting use cases. The series concludes with a fun and informative trivia quiz.

Playlist: Machine Learning Study Group

Machine Learning Study Group: Session 1 Introduction to ML

11. Introduction to Qt: How to Create Your First Interface

If you have a cool application idea or want to distribute your tools to non-technical users, our Introduction to Qt series shares how to create your first interface with PyQt/PySide. We review how to create simple interfaces and Qt concepts, and we put everything together to create a more complex interface.

Playlist: Introduction to Qt: How to Create Your First Interface

Introduction to Qt: How to Create Your First Interface Session 1

12. Introduction to Deep Learning for Edge Devices

Learn how to run your machine learning models on your mobile phone. In this study group series, we start with the basics of edge computing, move to the techniques of pruning and quantization, and conclude with a discussion on hardware. We also include a session on reading machine learning and deep learning research papers, sharing two edge computing papers as examples.

Playlist: Intro to Deep Learning for Edge Devices

Introduction to Deep Learning for Edge Devices: Basics of Running Neural Networks at the Edge

13. ML Mondays: Machine Learning in Python Study Group

The series starts with an introduction to machine learning and Python syntax, then covers foundational mathematics and statistics important to machine learning. The series also reviews useful NumPy functions, n-dimensional matrices, linear regression, and regression analysis.

Playlist: ML Mondays: Machine Learning in Python Study Group

ML Mondays: Introduction to Foundational Math and Statistics in Python

14. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Study Group

This was one of our original study groups started in 2019. We studied content from Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by Al Sweigart, an amazing book for beginners learning Python or those who would like to refresh the basics, such as variables, functions, lists, dictionaries, flow control, and more.

Playlist: Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Study Group


Applaud all of the AMAZING Women Who Code Python track leads, evangelists, volunteers, fellows, and special guest speakers who contributed to developing and delivering the learning content for these webinar study groups and series, as well as everyone who contributed behind-the-scenes writing event descriptions, supporting, moderating, and promoting the series, and so much more. Thank you to everyone for your amazing work over the past 3+ years!

