Women Who Code Hackathon for Social Good 2022

Stephanie Rideout
WWCode Python
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2022

Have you been considering participating in a hackathon? Join the Women Who Code Hackathon for Social Good 2022 and use your tech superpowers to create a solution for the social good!

The hackathon offers an amazing and engaging learning experience for the WWCode community while we develop projects that promote social good.

The Women Who Code Python technical track, in collaboration with the Blockchain and Data Science tracks, is so excited to host the hackathon from June 14th though July 3rd, 2022.

Hackathon Purpose and Participation

The Hackathon for Social Good 2022 is an opportunity to create and build something that impacts the social good.

We want you to use your creativity to design a technical solution to meet a societal challenge of your choice.

We envision the hackathon as a collaborative community learning experience where we are actively learning together and helping one another, whether we are working on the same project team or on different project teams.

All Women Who Code members who abide by our Code of Conduct are invited to participate in the hackathon.

All levels of technical and non-technical experience are welcome. Whether you are skilled in front end, project management, Python, machine learning, UX/UI, blockchain, marketing, graphical user interfaces, and/or areas, you are welcome and invited to participate.

Women Who Code Hackathon for Social Good 2022 — Kickoff and Opening Ceremony Poster

Kickoff and Opening Ceremony

The Hackathon for Social Good 2022 Kickoff and Opening Ceremony was held on Tuesday, June 14th at 7PM ET.

At the ceremony, we covered all important details about the hackathon, including key dates, suggested social causes, purpose/mission, submission guidelines, and recommendations for finding/forming a team (or you can work alone), choosing a topic, and more!

Hackathon Opening Ceremony PDF Slides for the links to our general WWCode Slack community and technical resources.

Watch the YouTube recording now!

Hackathon for Social Good 2022 by Women Who Code

Project Submissions

Objective: Create a brand new project featuring a social cause that uses at least one of the provided tech stacks.

With your final submission, you will provide:

  • Written challenge statement — What is the challenge you are working to solve?
  • Code published to GitHub, Google Colab, or Replit
  • Brief video demo or visual presentation
  • Team name, Team Lead and member info

The submission form will be posted on Saturday, June 25th, and the submission deadline will be Sunday, July 3rd at 11:59PM AOE (Anywhere on Earth time).

Suggested Social Causes

Here are suggested social cause categories:

  • Animals (wildlife/animal conservation, etc.)
  • Crime rates, safety
  • Disaster relief
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Health and infectious diseases (Covid, healthcare, etc.)
  • Hunger and nutrition (food insecurity, healthy eating, etc.)
  • Poverty and human services (housing, homelessness, child foster care, etc.)
  • Women empowerment

Tech Stacks

Your project should fall within at least one of the following tech stacks:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Automation
  • Blockchain
  • Computer Vision
  • Data Analytics / Visualization
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Python
  • Web Development

More Information

For more information about the hackathon, please visit our hackathon website at https://www.womenwhocode.com/hackathon-social-good.

Join Our Community!

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See all of our most important links, including curated video highlights from some of our recent events: Beacons

