Just in time for harvest

Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2017

AgriDigital has released a truck load of new features just in time for the Australian grain harvest. With these new features, AgriDigital is helping our customers get through harvest with even greater ease and efficiency.

The main features included are:

  • Seamless sales invoicing
  • Bulk delivery file importer
  • Enhanced Connections module
  • Greater options for selecting cash prices
  • Simplified weighbridge weight capture
  • Imported all up to date seasonal data

Seamless sales invoicing

Generating invoices on the AgriDigital platform is even easier, with completely seamless creation and notification of commodity sales tax invoicing.

Creating, viewing and marking as paid a sales tax invoice

AgriDigital users can now generate sales tax invoices for all sale contracts and associated deliveries. We are providing even greater flexibility, and users can choose to create invoices for an individual contract, or for all outstanding invoices.

To streamline the invoice generation process, AgriDigital automatically collates all relevant deliveries, calculates applicable taxes (using the new sales contract tax feature), and draws from contract details to determine due dates and amounts payable.

Here’s to all AgriDigital users getting paid on time this harvest!

Bulk delivery file importer

We know our users are tired of entering deliveries one at a time, now AgriDigital has you covered. The new delivery import feature allows you to bulk import deliveries into AgriDigital. The importer not only supports AgriDigital file formats, but specific acquisition file formats for Bulk Handlers including GrainCorp and others coming soon.

Enhanced Connections module

We recently released the Connections module and in a true agile sense, we are already continuing to enhance its functionality. Users can now edit their notes, export their contact lists (ready for uploading into email and sms services) as well as link directly between organisations and their team pages.

Greater options for selecting cash prices

Previously, growers delivering onto a cash price could only select the highest price regardless of the buyer and payment terms. Now, growers can select any available cash price, from all available buyers. At AgriDigital we are focused on providing flexibility to better service our customers’ business requirements. With your feedback, we are continuing to build features like Cash Price choices to enhance your business.

Simplified weighbridge weight capture

Weighbridge streaming of weights into AgriDigital delivery form

AgriDigital aims to make data capture as automated and accurate as possible. Integrating weights directly from the weighbridge scales is one of the ways we doing this. We have just released an enhanced weighbridge operator experience which allows live streaming of the weights directly into the AgriDigital delivery form. We hope you like it as much as we do!

Imported all up to date seasonal data

The Australian grain harvest officially starts on the 1st October and as part of our commitment to automate and manage all seasonal data, we’ve been busy data crunching.

AgriDigital has all up to date data for:

  • GTA Location Differentials
  • End Point Royalty rates
  • Site Operator shrink, storage, receival and outturn fees
  • BHC site, variety and commodity codes (for the delivery importer)
  • Harvest Management Scheme (HMS) truck types and limits
  • New commodities, grades, varieties and receival sites

What’s next on AgriDigital’s feature roadmap?

We’re currently working on some exciting new features, including:

  • Buyer to Buyer inventory title transfer
  • Transaction deliveries onto Orders
  • Site Operator view of available Cash Prices
  • Delivery import file support for GrainFlow, Emerald, and Viterra acquisition files
  • Position dashboard

…and a whole lot more!

AgriDigital is commodity management platform for Grain Growers, Buyers and Site Operators. AgriDigital allows these users to manage their Grain Contracts, Deliveries, Orders, Prices, Warehouse Transfers, Invoices and Payments all in one place, instantly.

For more information, visit www.agridigital.io




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