Start-Up ‘Shark Tank’ at Hybrid World Adelaide

Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2017

As part of the inaugural Hybrid World Adelaide (HWA) event — a technology festival in South Australia on 4 & 5 October — a two day intensive ‘shark tank’ style workshop will be take place. The workshop, called Hybrid World LAB, is for local and international start-ups or established companies with a fledgling idea.

Successful HWA LAB applicants will spend two full days immersed with other founders and pioneers, refining their product concepts and networking with industry peers. AgriDigital’s CEO, Emma Weston is one of the mentors taking part in the workshop alongside innovation legends like Mark Pesce, Andrew Hessell and Hiroshi Ishiguro.

HWA LAB is designed to give participants insights about funding for early-stage ventures, as well as advice and guidance around marketing and distribution, capital formation strategies and tips and tricks for launching unique and innovative companies.

Now closed for 2017, HWA LAB applications were open to a full range of project ideas including agtech, foodtech, biotech, space, genomics, robotics, artificial intelligence, data analytics, and blockchain. The South Australian government has contributed $85,000 in grants and will also provide business development advice and industry insight through hi-tech start-up agency, TechInSA, to support the HWA Lab and help entrepreneurs and innovative companies commercialise their ideas.

AgriDigital is thrilled to be involved in such an exciting few days and can’t wait to see the creative businesses that emerge.

