Warehouse Transfers Now Available

Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2016

Growers are now able to transfer warehoused grain directly onto their contracts via AgriDigital.

Demo of how simple it is to transfer warehoused grain via agridigital.

AgriDigital is the first Australian commodity management software gives Growers direct access to Deliveries and Contracts in one place. As a result, transferring warehoused grain onto a contract is incredibly simple.

A one-stop-shop for Deliveries and Contract means that agridigital does all the hard work of validating that those deliveries match the parameters of the contract. Growers never have to perform a transfer reversal ever again (well, at least with AgriDigital!).

To perform a warehouse transfer, all you need to do is:

  1. Select the contract you want to transfer deliveries onto
  2. Click Transfer
  3. AgriDigital will then display all of your warehoused deliveries that match the contract parameters, allowing you to simply select the deliveries you wish to transfer.
  4. Click Transfer Deliveries

That’s it! It’s that simple!

Once your deliveries have been transferred, the payment terms on the associated contract will be enacted. All you as a Grower needs to do is sit back and wait for the funds to appear in your account.

For further information you can visit the AgriDigital Knowledge Base.

AgriDigital is Commodity Management software for grain Growers, Buyers and Site Operators. AgriDigital allows these users to manage their Grain Contracts, Deliveries, Warehouse Transfers, Invoices and Payments all in one place, instantly.

For more information, visit www.agridigital.io




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