We’re updating our Terms of Use

Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2017

At AgriDigital we are constantly growing our platform, adding new features to continue making our customers’ lives better and help them do what they do best. When we last wrote our terms and conditions, AgriDigital was a fairly new platform still finding its way. With all the exciting features we have released since then, we needed to make some changes to our terms of use.

So, how will this affect you?

You need to be a Verified User for full access

At AgriDigital, we trust our customers but we also need to know who you are. For unrestricted access to all features attached to an account, you must first be verified either by AgriDigital or the account administrator. Verification is quick and painless and helps us make sure only the right people have control of your AgriDigital account.

You know exactly what to call us

We have ironed out the last wrinkles from our rebranding in February, and now we only go by one name, AgriDigital. You will now notice all through the Terms of Use that you are always dealing with AgriDigital.

Collection of End Point Royalties (EPRs) by AgriDigital

Previously, we needed to enter into a side agreement with us if you wanted to appoint AgriDigital to act as your agent for the collection of EPRs. Well we’ve streamlined things, and AgriDigital can now collect and remit EPRs for you without any additional paperwork.

You are responsible for your data

We do our best to make sure that all data stored or calculated on the AgriDigital platform is correct and up to date. However, it is up to all users to check that any data input into the platform and any calculations is accurate and complete. If you think something looks wrong or is incorrect, don’t worry! Make sure you contact us at support@agridigital.io and we will fix things up for you.

Your personal information is even more secure

We realise that by using our platform, you trust us with a lot of valuable information about your people and your business. We only collect and use your personal information for the purpose of enabling you to use the platform and our services. Except where the law requires us to, we will not disclose your personal information to anyone for any other reason.

You only need to sign T&Cs once

The AgriDigital Terms of Use now applies to all AgriDigital modules including Transactions, Storage, Finance, Remit and Connections. This means you don’t have to worry about reading and signing more paperwork if you want to start using one of our other modules.

If you’d like to know more, make sure you check out the latest End User Licence Agreement, because if you continue to use AgriDigital from 1 October 2017, we’ll assume you’ve read and agreed to them.

