Sophia Mendelsohn
The Best of Sustainability
1 min readFeb 27, 2016

In this blog, I track advertisements, videos, and other communications that show the evolution of social and environmental issues in brand communications. I have found that social issues (anti-smoking, marriage equality etc.) consistently have better messaging than any environmental issue. See far too many proof-points of that here.

To be relevant, the ‘brand’ of environmentalism needs to take a page out of the books of advertisers for other social causes (marriage rights, women’s rights, anti-bullying etc), who have led a revolution in communications.
Environmental communicators could even learn from Axe Body Spray. The brand, known for its ads with big-breasted blond women flocking naked to any man who uses Axe, did a 180 for this year’s Super Bowl.

Instead of promoting the rampant objectification of women, Axe chose to create a PSA encouraging self-confidence. The ad features awkward teenagers and men in heels, and closes with a ringing statement telling everyone to be proud of what they have and who they are. Or, as Axe puts it: “Who needs some other thing when you’ve got YOUR thing?”

If body-spray can turn masculinity on its head, why can’t we sustainability professionals do the same for environmental communications?
Enjoy the below, for the love of good advertising, and because we sustainability professionals have a lot of work to do:


