An old ass book I took a picture of in some museum.

You Can Only Write if You Read.

Karan Dholakia
2 min readOct 14, 2016

True story…?

I recently read an article that said in order to become a good writer, you have to read. A lot. Consume all types of content – on a page or otherwise. Totally agree. The logic is there and it makes sense.

After all, how can you become a filmmaker if you haven’t seen any films? Become a cook without seeing something was made? Right? Wellll, maybe not quite.

What about the invention of cookies? Well, do a little Googling and you’ll see that they were mistakenly created thanks to curiosity. Hey, what about good ol’ nachos? Shiit, chalk that one down to improvisation.

I suppose that yes, logic dictates that in order to produce some high quality stuff, you need to have been privy to the initial production of the aforementioned ‘stuff’.

Let Your Imagination Run Wild

Look, I’m not saying that it’s absolutely imperative that you absolutely need to have had experience in order produce some really cool shit. Ultimately, you have to start somewhere, and if that means picking up a pen, camera or paintbrush for the first time ever and having a go at it, then you’re one step in the right direction.

“The best advice is to ignore all advice”

Admittedly, when I first started writing I had read very little. Seriously, I read like three books in my entire life.

I guess what I’m saying is, if you want to write, write. If you want to create, create. Don’t let there be anything/anyone to tell you otherwise. There shouldn’t be anything getting in the way of your creativity. There’s always gonna be a bunch of ‘advice’ out there, and whilst it’s great to take on some of this, the best advice (at least in the case of creatives) is to ignore all advice.

This feels like a rambly post. Hmm.


