Paying by scrolling through your Facebook feed

Nikki Hes
Published in
1 min readMay 8, 2017

Datacoup takes a great step towards taking back control of our data. They sell the data of your connected apps such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. If corporations are profiting of my data, why shouldn’t I?

Datacoup was born from a passionate belief that individuals should be the chief beneficiary of the value of their data. Every day, the companies we use to search, shop and socialize, benefit from the trail of personal information we generate along the way. Additionally, there is a layer of third party data brokers that give nothing back to consumers, but make billions of dollars per year off consumer data. So we wondered, what if you — as the consumers and owners of your data- could cut out the middlemen and share your information on your terms? Datacoup is a way to exchange your personal data directly, and for compensation, with those who want to understand more about you.



Nikki Hes
Editor for

Works primarily in a digital and online realm, questioning social behaviour through interactive processes.