WxIF.1 — Céline Sciamma

WxIF staff
WxIF zine
Published in
Feb 28, 2021

Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)
Water Lilies (2007)

and more.

I started this zine as an attempt to explore a new way to share and talk about the films and women that inspire me, in my work and in my personal life.

What best filmmaker to start with than a fellow french woman. We share our first name and she especially inspired me with her latest masterpiece, Portrait of a Lady on Fire. I will also be talking about Water Lilies, her debut feature, and the start of her collaboration with Adèle Haenel.

Hope you enjoy the read.



WxIF staff
WxIF zine

WxIF zine is a printed and digital journal celebrating womxn in film & tv and female-centric projects from a filmmaker’s perspective. www.celineribard.com/wxif