did you punch a nazi this week? [wyd? 01.28.17]

#WeBuiltThis Fam
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2017

Y’all, look.

Shit hit the fan in nearly every imaginable way this week, but at least two fists also hit Richard Spencer’s face. That’s cause for elation. Why? Cuz he’s a nazi, dammit. Meanwhile, some of y’all are still tryna “go high” and crowdfund for this saltine like he ain’t hellbent on our extinction. SMH.


  • We’re clearly not about to sit back and let these political parties ride off into the night like Klansmen on a killing spree. Nah. This Monday, Democracy in Color held the first ever grassroots-organized race-focused forum for candidates aspiring to be the future of the Democratic Party. Because they gon’ learn today.
  • Protesters shut shit down at JFK, Dulles, SFO and many other airports today after Donald’s executive order on immigration barred hundreds around the globe from boarding U.S.-bound flights. No, you’re not dreaming. Yes, this is 2017. No, rum probably isn’t the answer. Yes, you should turn up on your nearest international airport like it’s 1999.


  • Poster child and eternal apologist of White Fragility™ David Brooks was satirized in Gawken this week. Peep this gem: “When You Punch A Nazi In The Face, You Punch Me In The Face”. If punching Nazis gives you the ickies, punch yourself in the face. And delete your account.
  • How many times have you heard the word “fascism” in the last 90 days? Can you define it? Rex Tillerson would make a trash lead for the State Department. Do you know why? WE GOTCHU. The #WeBuiltThis fam collabed with BLACK to rejuvenate the Dream Defenders’ #NeverLovedUs campaign.


#TrustBlackWomen. Furreal.

For freedom,

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#WeBuiltThis Fam
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We’re a campaign to end state violence and get free. www.webuiltthis.org #WeBuiltThis