So that happened. [wyd? 11.15.16]

#WeBuiltThis Fam
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2016

Welcome to the morning after: a moment that will last from now until at least 2020. There’s no way to ctrl+alt+del the situation, so if you run into a white person, ask them to smack one of their relatives for you. Or themselves. And if, God forbid, you encounter a Trump stan in the flesh, let them know they elected a monster and their vote was a hate crime. Oh — and read this spot-on thinkpiece that articulates exactly how the entire fam at #WeBuiltThis feels.




  • “We affirm our existence. We affirm our right to not only live, but to thrive.” This morning, Black Lives Matter issued a statement about Trump’s election. Chills, yo. We ain’t shook. “The work will be harder, but the work is the same.” Let’s keep building.
  • “There is no ‘jobs’ message that does not recognize how much higher Black unemployment always is. There is no ‘1%’ message that does not discuss how Black and Brown people have been prevented from wealth building measures and targeted by predatory lending. Not anymore.” These politicians don’t hear us, tho. They gon learn today.


  • What happened when Black Twitter asked what we look like we do for a living?? SMH. Y’all already know… The roasts came just in time for Thanksgiving.
  • Speaking of Thanksgiving, what y’all eating this year tho? Beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes, lambs, rams, hogs, logs?? This song reminds us we’ve got something to look forward to in this cold, dead world: all the foodz. We’re about to eat these feelings, y’all.
  • These Obama-Biden memes are also helping us hold it together as January 20 comes barreling towards us. What a week for meme solace.

For freedom,

P.S. If white people are supposed to be so supreme, why Obama gotta stay after school to help Trump with his homework? We’ll wait.



#WeBuiltThis Fam
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We’re a campaign to end state violence and get free. #WeBuiltThis