Submission Guidelines

Dr Heidi Colthup
Wye Review
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2022

Wye Review is interested in all genres of fiction and sometimes non-fiction too.

If you’d like to submit a review to us email us at with your Medium username and we’ll add you as a writer.

When you write your review we recommend the following:

Include an image of the front cover — this makes it easier for readers to find the book both online and at a bookshop.

Articles that have images at the top are more likely to be read, but also this provides the reader with more information because book covers often give us clues about the type of book it is.

Make sure your review covers the three crucial elements of a review:

A description of the story

Try to avoid spoilers, if you can. Don’t tell us the entire plot, but give us enough so that we know what the book is about.

Your opinion of the book

That’s why we read reviews — we can easily pick up a paperback in a bookshop and read the blurb on the back, but what did a real reader think of this book? Whether you loved, hated, or felt indifferent about it — tell us, and (importantly) tell us why.

Add a link or two to where readers can get hold of the book

We like Independent booksellers like Hive and, but also feel free to give your favourite local or online bookseller or publisher a plug.

You may also want to add in your own byline so readers can read your other articles.

Once all of that is done click the three dots at the top right-hand side of the screen next to publish (if you click publish you’ll put it onto your own private Medium account and it won’t be in our publication), select Wye Review from the list of publications and we’ll be able to read and publish your piece.

We’re looking forward to reading your reviews and finding lots of new amazing authors!



Dr Heidi Colthup
Wye Review

When the revolution comes I’ll be in bed reading a book, or playing a Video game. Academic at UKC, freelance writer & editor, coffee drinker.