Baltimore Blues Ch. 1

Part II of the haunted love story, by H. A. Lamb and Simone de Boudoir.

Simone de Boudoir
Wylde Erotic Cravings


Image by Freepik

Chrissy stared at her tits in the bathroom mirror. Gripping one, she confirmed that the bruises left behind were in fact made by a hand much larger than her own.

Last night, and again this morning, Matt — her husband, who had tragically died eight months earlier — had appeared to her when she pleasured herself. She had seen him, heard him, felt him there beside her in the bed they had once shared.

The rational part of her brain told her it all had to be a dream. The idea of conjuring the ghost of her deceased husband while masturbating was absurd, deranged, unhinged. And yet…the bruises on her breasts told a different story. They were just like the ones he used to leave after an intense round of fucking; she loved it when he left his mark on her. And she had no doubt the bruises were real.

Down below, her clit twitched and the walls of her pussy contracted. “Insatiable little cunt,” Matt used to sweetly say to her whenever she wanted more and more. But, alas, it would have to wait, she was already late for work. There would be plenty of time for that tonight.

At the office, her eyes stared at the computer screen but her mind kept drifting. Dirty images swirled around in her head…



Simone de Boudoir
Wylde Erotic Cravings

🥀 Multi-media erotica that's dark, feminist, pansexual, and often about vampires, nuns, & strippers 🔞