He Spanked Me in Front of the Window

Ruan Willow
Wylde Erotic Cravings
12 min readJan 9, 2023


The time was right for a spanking. Only I didn’t know it. But he did.

The sun was shining off the brilliance of the snow, which really wasn’t brilliant at all, but stupid as fuck. It trapped us in the house more often than not. I often wondered why we lived in such a frigid place. Sure it was beautiful if you liked that sort of thing.

I was enjoying my coffee when I heard him stirring upstairs. My lover. He knew just how to get me going and being snowed in had its perks. We fucked more.

Henry had worked all night. I had heard him get up at 2 a.m. so I didn’t accost him for sex this morning. Though I knew he’d oblige, but I loved it when he had lots of energy so waiting for satiation was important.

Dang. He’s taking his sweet time getting up though.

I gazed out the front window. My neighbor Ben was snowplowing already. What an ambitious fucker. He must have somewhere to go because who in their right mind would be out there at 10 below. That kind of cold froze the tips off your butt hairs, even if they were covered.

I’m horny. It’s a fact.

My lust thickened as yesterday’s fuck session started to replay in my brain. Henry had me up against the wall, hands above my head as he stripped me. Sucked my tits before dragging me to the…



Ruan Willow
Wylde Erotic Cravings

Ruan Willow is an erotica author, sexuality/erotica podcaster at Oh F*ck Yeah with Ruan Willow, & a voiceover narrator. https://linktr.ee/RuanWillow