I’m in a meeting!

A boring business meeting turns into a hot and steamy video call in the women’s bathroom!

Najah Bostic
Wylde Erotic Cravings
8 min readFeb 13, 2023


photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Long and boring. I’ve been at this meeting for 20 minutes already and it’s never-ending! I squirmed around in my chair a bit. Sitting for a long time made my back ache. I’ve been trying my best to stay focused. But the voices of the executives around the table made it impossible to concentrate. I found myself zoning out. I sat and scribbled on some loose-leaf paper until I heard my phone vibrate in my back pocket.

I looked around. Phones were off-limits in the meeting room but as long as I was sneaky no one would ever know. I looked at my phone not trying to draw any attention to myself. My co-workers were all focused and attentive, which made me thankful. I turned my screen brightness down. It was a message from my boyfriend! I opened the message and read it, my heart racing with excitement as I realized what it said. ‘I miss you, princess’ I felt my cheeks flush. Another message followed ‘I want to see you, I can’t stop thinking about you’. My heart fluttered making a smile creep onto my face. Two images now filled the chat room.

Two extremely hot images. One focuses on his stomach, showing the abs he was working on. Another shows him in only his briefs hinting at his hard-on. Goosebumps covered my skin as I shivered. The sight of his toned body and the obvious arousal he was having made a rush of excitement and heat wash over me. I continued to blink and stare at the images as my heart rate increased.

I let my thoughts wander to the events of last week. He couldn’t leave me alone! As I was busy with work he teased me and rubbed against me as I couldn’t help but feel aroused around him. With my busy schedule at work, I was coming home late and having no time for him. It was always after midnight when I finally made it home, and I was too tired to do anything.

I felt myself pressing my legs together. I kept fighting back the thoughts of him touching me. The thought of coating his cock with my juices. It was way too appealing! I wanted to touch him, feel him, and fuck-! I’m in a meeting right now. My heart raced and I felt the heat spreading across my body. I tried to push the images away, knowing that it was wrong to think of him while I was in a professional setting. But I was thinking of all the possibilities of what we could be doing right now.

I looked down at my phone. A few missed messages from him. His messages left me feeling embarrassed.

‘Don’t you miss me?’

‘Are you in a meeting right now? Are you thinking of me? Thinking about me teasing that pretty pussy of yours?’

I wanted to see him. But there was no way I could. I was desperately trying to keep my composure as I felt my face flush. I ran my hand through my hair, moving my curtain bangs out of my face as I felt it stick to my forehead. I was growing hot and bothered by the minute. I could feel my emotions bubbling up inside of me and knew I had to get out of here before I completely lost it.

There was a tap on my shoulder from my co-worker next to me. I jumped a bit shocked. “Are you okay? You look like you’re sick,” she whispered into my ear. I must be sick! All I could think about was having my boyfriend go down on me in front of my co-workers and boss! I shook my head, trying to come up with an excuse for why I was so out of it. “Ah… I’m okay maybe I’m catching a cold?” She looked at me and maybe she wasn’t buying my lie. But still, she smiled at me and said “I hope you’re not overworking yourself.” I could only smile at her as she turned back to take notes. I felt so embarrassed that as my phone kept vibrating in my hand I couldn’t dare look at it.

I looked at the clock in the meeting room. When the voices started to fade out, it was clear to me that the meeting was over. The chairs were being pushed in. Cleaning up their papers and grabbing their coffee cups. I stood up pushing my chair in and taking my papers with me. As soon as I got to my desk I dropped off my work before heading to the women’s bathroom. I was fortunate to find no one else there, so I locked myself into the farthest stall.

I opened up my messages and read his missed messages.

‘Are you ignoring me, princess?’

‘You must be feeling so wet right now, aren’t you?’

‘You’re probably thinking about me taking both of your hands in mine. Thinking about me trapping you, looking down at you, and making a mess out of you.’

I felt my hands moving on their own trailing down my body and into my pants. I felt a seeping wetness clouding my thin panties. I read the next message that followed ‘you would want that right? My cock inside of that wet-’ I discarded everything and pressed the call button. Ringing for only a few seconds until it picked up.

My breathing hitched as I heard a deep voice on the other end. “Hey princess, have you missed me?” I couldn’t help but feel flustered. “Shut up, what are you doing right now?” he hummed into the mic. I had no trouble picking up on what he was doing. “I wish you were here right now, maybe that pretty mouth of yours could be of use don’t you think?” his words sent a shiver down my body as my heart pounded in my chest as I heard the desire in his voice.

I bit my lip, unable to speak as I desperately tried to remain composed as my body reacted to his sinful words. I could only imagine what he was thinking, as I felt a thrill run through me at the thought of it. My legs got weak, thinking about all the times I went down on him. He would look down at me with a wicked look in his eyes. This was the type of look that drove me into submission. It was the look of a devil ready to claim and mark what’s his. My mind was spinning, his words like a drug the more I heard the more I wanted.

My heart skipped a beat and I was struck with a sudden realization; I was way over my head. I ended the call, then called back for a video call. That’s something I should have done. He answered, then without a word he turned his camera around. Showing his hand around his cock, teasing himself up and down. He tried clumsily to mimic the way I would tease his cock. My mind clouded by his soft moans.

I raised my phone at an angle that made me look more appealing. I started unbuttoning my collared shirt the best I could with my other hand. Once I got all the buttons done, my black lace bra peeked out. “show me some more.” he whispered into the mic with a groan following after. I wiggled out of my pants and showed off my matching black lace set, which made me look more delicious than I thought.

When my pants dropped to my heels, I spread my legs as wide as I could. Closing my eyes and embracing the pleasure that swelled up inside of me. I ran my hand against my body in places where he loved touching and marking. “You look so beautiful like that, so fucking pretty.” I felt a shiver from his words that sent electric bolts against my skin, his words meant so much to me.

“Touch yourself for me. Pleasure yourself. Think of me while you touch yourself.” His words hypnotized me. Even as my heart pounded faster than before, I obeyed him as I lifted my bra up, revealing my big breasts. Something he loved teasing and sucking on.

As my hands explored my curves and teased my nipples, I imagined his hands doing the same. The tingling sensation in my skin increased. As my nipples hardened, I felt my juices seeping through. I desired to be taken by him, to be under his control, and give in to all his desires. “Fuck princess, you look so pretty like that. I want you seated on my lap. I want to tease and taste those nipples of yours.” I felt an uncontrollable rush of pleasure flood through me as I touched my nipples. Imagining his lips kissing every part of me. When he reached my nipples he’d play with them. Squeezing them. After sucking marks on them, he used his fingers to twist them.

A soft moan came out of my mouth by accident as I twisted my nipple the way he would. Feeling it swell in my fingers. “let me hear you again, look as I stroke myself while you touch yourself.” My breathing became heavy as I looked at the screen, embarrassed.

With his strokes, he made my hands trail down to my panties, pulling them down to my heels as well. I dreamed about his hands exploring my body, as his lips kissed and sucked at my thighs. Leaving a trail of pleasure. His touch would be gentle yet commanding.

I touched my wet dripping pussy, feeling how wet I had gotten. I wanted to feel him inside me. I teased my clit in circular motions, as I moaned. I wanted him against me, the sensation of his skin pressed against mine. I imagined him thrusting inside me, the pleasure it would bring, and I began to moan louder. My body trembled, my breath quickened, and my hips moved faster with the movement of my fingers. Overwhelmed by pleasure, the intensity increased.

“I’m so close, princess. Ah! Don’t you wish I was there?” His breathless words increased, and his groans got louder. “Imagine my tongue exploring every inch of you. Teasing you and making you moan and beg for more,” he murmured huskily.

His words rang in my ears. I found myself letting go of all inhibitions as I allowed myself to succumb to the pleasure of my own touch. I felt my body trembling. Trembling with pleasure and desire. I felt myself getting closer and closer to climax and I knew he was enjoying it too. I watched as his grip tightened against his cock. It was only a matter of seconds before he reached his climax as well. In bliss, I followed him as his moans grew louder and more desperate for release.

Despite my trepidation, I managed to speak, “I want you deep inside of me so you can cum inside of me.” His moans grew louder and more desperate from my words and his thrusts became more and more intense. I felt my legs shake as my own words aroused me. We both reached our peak at the same time. We felt the wave of pleasure and ecstasy wash over us as we let out our cries of pleasure.

I caught my moan in my throat and felt my toes curl up at the sensation. My attention was now drawn to the camera as I saw his face. His eyes were closed, and his mouth slightly open, a look of pure bliss. His voice was low and husky, “I’ll see you at home princess.”

