Is the Subject Art? — Living with Honey and Anne, Episode 10a

Honey’s art teacher directs the Stepdad in poses and and more for the art class.

Mr E's Erotic Stories
Wylde Erotic Cravings
7 min readMar 26, 2023


Credit: pexels-ekaterina-bolovtsova-5393824

Read about the steamy events leading to this: Living with Honey and Anne — an Erotic Series.

I have been enjoying the later sunset that comes with the days of the new year. The back of our house faces mostly west and we have lots of windows in the rooms on that side of the house: our gym on the basement level; the kitchen, dining room and family room on the main level; on the upper level, all the rooms have wall-to-wall windows — the master suite, the guest room, and Anne’s office.

It’s 4:30 on a Thursday afternoon. I have been asked to help Honey for another class project. This time it is art class. Anne’s office has been turned into a studio of sorts. As I entered, I noticed the last glow of twilight casting red and orange on the six easels that have been placed around the big oak desk. On top of desk was a simple wooden bar stool.

“Thanks for your help, Daddy.” Honey greeted me at the door. “May I introduce you to my art class? This is Angie, Barbara, Danni, Tiffani, and you know Heather.”

“Nice to meet you girls,” I said.

“And this is Miss Winters,” she said as a 30-something woman appeared from behind the furthest easel. “She will be helping us as we try to make sketches of you. Oh, and mom said, ‘Thanks for the roses’.” She laughed lightly and winked my way.

Miss Winters cleared her throat and said, “Thanks for the introductions, Honey. Girls, please go to your easels and get ready for your first sketch.” Then turning to me she said quietly, “May I have a word with you alone before we begin?”

“Yes, of course.” She slid her arm in mine and she guided me out to the hall.

Miss Winters is tall and slender. Her skin is the color of cream and her hair is jet black. It barely reaches her shoulders. She is dressed all in black. Short black pumps, black stockings, black wool mini skirt, black Cashmere pullover, a long black sweater-jacket, and black beret. Her green eyes are large and round and her eye makeup is subtle tones of ecru to medium brown.

“I really appreciate how you and your wife support the school. So many of our parents just write big checks and send off their girls, but you really support Honey and you are so generous to all the girls. Let me tell you what we will be doing… We are doing a study of the male form. The girls will complete a series of sketches of you in various poses.

“I will be directing you into the poses, timing the girls and pointing out areas to pay attention to,” she said as she took a telescoping pointer from a pocket in her sweater, which she extended then pointed at my tie. “We have strict guidelines for this activity. None of us may touch you at any time. Once we begin, the girls will remain behind the easels and you will stay on top of the desk. Only I am permitted between the desk and the easels. Okay?”

“Sure. No problem.”

“Great. Your wife told me you would be very cooperative.” She smiled. “We really appreciate it. Shall we go in?”

“I’m ready when you are.”

“Excellent,” She closed the pointer and slid it back into her pocket. She took my arm again and led me into the office.

The sun had fully set now and the recessed ceiling lights were on at maximum intensity. The air temperature was pretty warm. Miss Winters led me to the step stool by the desk and said, “Please climb up and stand by the stool. If you would, just stand casually facing the window. Put one foot up on a rung of the stool and a hand on the seat. Perfect.

“Alright, ladies, let’s begin. Here is our first pose. We are not doing a portrait; I don’t even care if you completely ignore his head. Look for lines: folds, creases, pleats. I want you to see how the light and shadow come together. You have 2 minutes to get those first lines on your paper.” She walked around the room and quietly made suggestions as she went. “Just draw what you can see from where you are. You will each have a different perspective of front or back or side.”

I was beginning to sweat under the heat of those spotlights. I really need to change these hot spotlight bulbs for LEDs.

Miss Winters approached the desk and said, “Don’t feel like you have to stay stone still. This isn’t photography. As long as you are generally in the position, it’s fine. Each pose is only about five minutes and there’s a bit of a break to reset after each. So you’ll get to relax some. Would you like some water?”

“That would be great. Thanks,” I said as she handed me a chilled bottle of Evian.

“Now that you have your lines, start your shading. Remember to start at the darkest place and then blend to the lightest. Three minutes, please.”

She made another circuit around the room pointing, asking questions and making suggestions as she stopped at each girl’s easel.

“Okay ladies, you can tear off your sketches and put them in your portfolios. Get yourselves ready for the next sketch while I set up the next pose.”

She walked up to the desk and motioned for me to lean in for direction. “For the next drawing they will start exploring muscles and other finer details. I would like you to face this way,” she said pointing to the south wall. “I would like you to remove your shoes and socks and roll your pants above your knees. I would like you half seated on the stool with one foot on the rung. I would like your other foot on the desk with your toes pointed so the calf muscle hardens.”

She watched as I undid my shoelaces and slid off my socks. Then she made a quick tour around the room to see that the girls were ready to begin. “Your next sketch will take on skin and muscle. There won’t be any sharp folds to anchor your shading. You will have tensed and relaxed muscles to draw. I want you to try both and be ready to explain your approach to each.”

Miss Winters returned to the desk to make final adjustments. She touched my pant leg with her pointer and said, “Can you roll it one more turn so it is completely above your knee?”

“How’s this?”


“Now, girls, I want you to look at both of his legs. Pay attention to his calves. Make note of the proportions and any unique features. Think about how you will use color and voids. Take a good minute to plan before you begin sketching.”

“How are you doing up there,” she asked smiling. “Do you need another water?”

“Not just yet. Maybe before the next pose.”

“Okay. All right ladies, you may begin.”

Again, she circled the room pointing and coaching the girls as they drew, occasionally approaching the desk with her pointer extended touching me here or there to clarify some suggestion or critique. The five minutes flew by as I watched Miss Winters ply her craft.

“Okay, put those sheets away and reset,” she said as she came back into the center of the room with my next direction. “Are you wearing a t shirt under your dress shirt?” I nodded. “Great. Would you mind unbuttoning your shirt and untucking it from your pants? Just let it fall open. I would like you to turn toward the door this time and sort of lie back on the stool. Here is another water.”

“This next pose we’ll consider the torso,” she said addressing all of us. Then she turned to me and asked, “can I ask you to pour some of that water on your t shirt? Just a few dribbles below your collarbone and over your pecs. I would like the girls to figure out what to do with the cloth sticking to your skin.” She met my eyes and winked.

“Take a few moments to plan your work Ladies then begin.”

“I can’t begin to express just how much your help means to us. You are a fantastic model. This is the last pose I have planned for the class.”

“Piece of cake. No trouble at all, really.”

With that settled, she began her rounds. This time she made more frequent trips to the desk with her pointer out. It seemed she was making more contact. While she was working with Heather, she started drawing circles around my nipples and lightly tapping with her pointer to get them to harden. Heather looked out from behind her easel and smiled at me with a hint of conspiracy in her eyes.

After the 5 minutes, Miss Winters asked me if I needed a bathroom break before the extra credit option started.

I did. I climbed down from the desk, unrolled my pant legs and left the room as she started her critiques.

On my way back from the bathroom, I saw several of the girls leaving with their large portfolio cases. The last one out said, “Thanks for posing for us. Good bye,” as she closed the front door.

Back in Anne’s office there were now four easels. Instead of the tall stool on the desk there was a side chair. Opposite the side chair, on the floor was Anne’s leather office chair occupied by Miss Winters.

I wasn’t sure how many girls left, but I thought it was more than two. Yet here are four easels and I see four pair of feet behind them. They are set lower and have chairs behind them.

Miss Winters sat forward on the office chair and said, “As I mentioned, the class is over; this is an unofficial, extracurricular activity. However, the rules stay the same. The artists are to stay behind the easels. Only I am permitted between the desk and easels. And I will be giving the direction. Are you still alright with this arrangement?”

Continues with Part b—



Mr E's Erotic Stories
Wylde Erotic Cravings

Full time management professional. Part time writer, mostly erotic stories told by men encountering strong women.