Restoring the Damaged Domme — Living with Honey and Anne, Episode 13

“Today you don’t feel anything unless I command it. Get to the bed and sit, Anne. Now, feel this…” She pulled the edge of the black leather end of the riding crop up the inside of my leg and along the hollow of my thigh.

Mr E's Erotic Stories
Wylde Erotic Cravings
16 min readApr 14, 2023


Photo by Andre Ouellet on Unsplash

I was down in our gym for my usual Sunday morning workout. Rhonda had picked up Honey early to drop her and Heather at the airport for their senior trip to DC.

I noticed the savory smell of chopped veggies as I topped the stairs. Anne was preparing some kind of casserole for our brunch. Rhonda and another girlfriend were supposed to join us today. I had been hearing about this all week. Every few hours Anne’s phone would ring and she would get excited and walk out of earshot to discuss plans.

I popped into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water from the fridge door. After a long sip, I walked up behind Anne. I leaned in and kissed her behind her right ear as I wrapped my arms around her waist to hug her.

“Go take a shower you sweaty man. I want you presentable when the girls get here,” she said as she shoved me back with a thrust of her butt. “I’ll be up as soon as I get this in the oven.”

I finished my water and set my glass in the sink. I twisted my towel and snapped it. It cracked at the edge of her apron. She jumped away from the sound and turned to face me.

Wagging her finger she smiled and said, “Move it, mister. You had better be naked by the time I get upstairs.”

I snapped the towel again in her general direction and hurried out of the kitchen.

After I started the shower warming, I slipped out of my tank top and shorts and did a few poses in the mirror to inspect the results of my workout. Was the hour of lifting and pushing paying off? Well my skin gleamed with sweat and my body is fairly well toned, so I guess it is.

I stepped under the hot shower, leaned on the back wall and let the flow erase the salty evidence. After a few minutes, I felt the cool breeze of movement behind me. Anne had arrived. She slipped in with me. She was wetting a loofah and pouring on body wash. After a few squeezes, the sponge was full of foam.

Anne slipped between me and the wall. She pressed the loofah into my chest and started washing my torso. “Let me wash you. I want you relaxed and ready when the girls get here.”

She washed me with a delicious patience. Slowly, thoroughly she rubbed across my chest and down my belly. She caught a sensitive spot at the front of my left hip and I shivered. “What’s wrong big fella? Ticklish today?”

She pushed herself up and kissed me then moved the loofah down to my groin where she pushed the soap-filled scrubber down the length of my stiffening shaft. After she reached my scrotum, she pushed harder and rotated left and right then stopped abruptly.

She got down on her knees and washed my left leg with her right hand while she slowly stroked my soap-lubed cock with her left. She changed her grip so she could move behind me and wash the other leg. She stood and washed my back all the while maintaining a consistent stroking pace working me closer to the edge of orgasm.

My eyes closed, still leaning on the wall with warm water coursing over my back, I’m on the doorstep of heaven as my balls churn in my sac gearing for release. Click. The door to our bathroom closed, but Anne is still with me in the shower.

“Good. The girls are here,” she said. She let go of my cock and gave him a playful slap. “We’re done here. Let’s oil each other and join the party.”

On the vanity across from the shower were a bottle of baby oil, a red lace-up bustier and a red bandana. Anne went straight for the oil and said, “Put out your hands.” She poured a generous amount and turned away from me. I rubbed my hands together lightly and applied oil starting at her shoulders. I wiped down her arms and played a bit at her fingers.

She turned and faced me. She poured more oil into my hands and dipped her fingers in before I started down her chest. She oiled my pecs as my palms grazed her nipples. I circled her firm semi-globes, massaging in the oil on all sides.

Rap, rap, rap. “Two minutes?” Rhonda’s voice came through the closed door.

“Yes, two. Or maybe three,” Anne answered. “Towel off my hair and help me lace this contraption, please dear.” She held the bustier cups up to her chest trying to fit it right. I watched in the mirror as I squeezed most of the water out of her hair. Satisfied with the position, she pressed her arms tight to her sides and said, “That’s dry enough. Okay, now do the laces, please. It should be pretty snug.”

As I got her laced enough she could feel confident moving her arms, she reached her hand back to resume teasing me. To be honest, putting in the concentration to lace her had allowed blood to redirect away from its usual playtime precincts. She grabbed on firmly and pulled from my belly then squeezed a few times.

“Tighter. It needs to be tighter.” She moved her hand down to my scrotum and squeezed again. “C’mon, you can get this done faster. I see you getting hard again. You must not be concentrating. I am going to keep increasing pressure down there until you finish.” I had 35 of the 40 loops strung. She wasn’t joking, the pressure was getting to me. In the mirror, I could see my reddening face and sweat beading on my brow, her breasts heaving in the tight corset and a determined look on Anne’s face. Last loop — I tied it in a simple bow, grabbed her shoulders and spun her around and kissed her. Her hands were still very slippery with oil, so she released my balls as she spun. She let the kiss dwell just a moment before pushing me away so she could inspect the lace job. She grabbed a hand mirror from the drawer and held it up and looked over her shoulder and smiled.

“Nice job. Come here,” she beckoned. As I leaned in to kiss her, she slid the knotted bandana over my eyes. “Ready for some fun?”

“If it involves seeing you in that sexy lingerie, you bet!”

She let her arms slide between my arms and sides and hugged me hard. “It does. We have quite a show planned for you, but you need to keep this blindfold on until we can properly reveal the scene, okay?”

I nodded. She gave me a quick peck and grabbed me by the cock to lead me into the bedroom.

The air in the bedroom was significantly cooler having not been warmed by the shower. As soon as we cleared the door four cool hands clamped around my biceps. The girls led me about 10 steps passed the foot of the bed then turned me so I was facing the four-post king bed. They pulled me backward. I felt a chair at the back of my legs. The hands came off my cock and arms; two pushed back on my chest and four pressed down on my shoulders.

Within seconds my wrists were strapped to the back legs and my ankles were bound to the front.

I sat there immobilized in the dark. My senses of smell and hearing were kicking into a higher gear in the sensory deprivation. I heard the rustle of fabric as additional costume or scene elements were readied. I smelled tropical fruits, the scents of lubricants that Anne likes. After several minutes, I felt the rush of movement around me and then behind, Rhonda said in an excited voice, “Let’s do this!”

The blindfold was removed from behind me. Although only covered for a few minutes, my eyes needed several blinks to adjust to the brightness of the room. All the shades were open and sunlight bathed the floor and wall to my right. I was seated in a simple wooden chair about 6 feet from the foot of our bed. Above our bed, the large mirror was adjusted to reflect the 80-inch TV on the bureau behind me to my right. It was flipping through a slide show of our wedding album.

The screen went blank then split. The left side of the screen lit first. It was our bed at almost the same perspective I have now. There must be a video camera behind me. When the right side feed came up, I saw myself in this chair. Behind me was the other camera, operated by Rhonda. She’s wearing a pink corset with matching silk stockings and gloves that go up past her elbows. To the right were Anne and their other girlfriend — kissing.

Anne now had on long white gloves, like Rhonda’s. Their friend was in black latex with a black lace mask covering her cheeks and forehead. Her hair was combed back and tied in a tight bun. On the right screen, I saw them gather behind me and each reach one of their gloved hands around me. They ran their fingers lightly over my torso, tickling anything that would respond.

Click, splurt. Lube was squirted into gloved hands. Anne knelt in front of me and wrapped both her hands around my cock, thumbs below, interlaced fingers above. She squeezed gently and stroked languidly for about thirty seconds; the light touch of satin gloves felt incredible. Crack. The sound of a sharp blow from a riding crop striking my left thigh near Anne’s forearm. “Stop. Squeeze and hold,” the friend in black said with a Russian sounding accent.

“I think he likes that too much, don’t you?” she said looking directly in my eyes.

“Actually, yes. I’ve never felt anything like that before,” I replied.

“I hope for your sake you can remember it, because today you don’t feel anything unless I command it. Get to the bed and sit Anne. Now, feel this…” She pulled the edge of the black leather end of the riding crop up the inside of my leg and along the hollow of my thigh. She stepped behind the chair and continued tracing up my arm, across my shoulders and down the other side. Slap! I flinched. She laid a welt on the inside of my right thigh then moved the crop up between my legs and lightly patted my balls.

“Do you know what a cuckold is? Hmm?”

“Not exactly. Well, actually, no.”

“Today, with the help of my lovely assistants, Mistress N will teach you. This one,” she pointed the crop at Anne, “is the one you love. Today, she belongs to me. I will have her and you will watch. My other assistant has already done half her job, setting up the room to capture your response. The rest of her job is to make sure you stay hard and near the edge of losing your mind. Shall we begin?”

She tossed the crop at my feet and sauntered toward Anne seated at the foot of the bed. She touched the inside of her left knee with her black gloved hand. Anne purred and lifted her chin. “See how she responds to a woman’s touch? Watch me work her into a frenzy.” She climbed onto the bed as she let her fingers follow the muscles of Anne’s thigh.

“Rhonda, how’s our patient, check his pulse.”

Rhonda reached around me and tapped the side of my cock. I’m surprised he isn’t harder, watching this living porn shoot. She held out her hand and rocked side to side in the universal sign for ‘so-so’.

“Slap him.” Rhonda stepped from behind me and slapped my left cheek. “Now wake him up. Pour some lube on him and pump him 20 times fast. If he isn’t throbbing, give him ten more.”

Nastya took Anne’s chin in her hand and pulled her lips to her own. I could see her tongue probing and Anne responding. Between the scene before me and Rhonda’s pumping, the blood is definitely firming me up. I could feel myself rising to the brink. I looked down at Rhonda’s hands and tried to concentrate on holding back the impending explosion

“Slap him again, Rhonda then go back to the camera. And you,” Nastya said addressing me, “you keep your eyes up here and don’t look away from us again.”

My cock was throbbing again. I turned my head up and saw Anne and Nastya passionately kissing. Mouths open tongues probing and darting between them. Their white and black gloved hands ranged and roamed all over their costumed bodies, testing the skin-fabric boundaries, raising goosebumps and fine hairs as they went.

Anne was lounging almost oblique, balanced on her right hip. Nastya was behind Anne, putting her ruby lips just behind Anne’s left ear. She traced Anne’s jawline with the back of her fingers. Anne purred. Shivered.

The camera behind me zoomed in and followed as the black glove played its way down the bows and lacy front of the red corset. It emerged at the maze at the bottom of Anne’s belly and immediately entered the light brown forest of Anne’s delicate bush. Nastya moved her hand inside Anne’s left thigh and pulled her open and up onto the bed. She rotated herself and slipped her head under Anne’s knee. Her right hand reached over her leg and began patting Anne’s mound. Her attention alternated between Anne’s swelling labia and me. She took no chance that I wasn’t still engaged and engorged.

While the camera was still zoomed in, I could easily see the details of Nastya’s features on the monitor: her pale, almost porcelain complexion, high cheekbones, and wide-set amethyst eyes. She leaned in and deeply inhaled Anne’s aroma. I am right there recalling the scent of fresh bath wash mingled with the pungency of sex. It is Nastya’s face, but the memory is of my mouth nearing that moist prize.

Rhonda zoomed out the camera so the scene on the bed matched that in the mirror. Anne’s eyes were on me. When I looked at her face, though, I could she she wasn’t looking at my eyes. I glanced down then back up at her face. She was considering my red, almost glowing erection and the roiling rocks in the sac below. She smiled slyly then mouthed “Ooooo”. I looked down again and noticed a small stream of clear fluid emerging and starting a trail down my frenulum.

Nastya leaned in and kissed Anne’s outer lips. Anne gasped in some relief as the anticipation has been building to an intolerable level. She kept her gaze fixed on my eyes, telling me what I already knew: ‘She’s not mine. She’s possessed by Mistress N today and there’s nothing I can do about it.’

My cock pulsed against the air — for the last year, those sweet lips have been my steady diet. Anne has always responded so well and encouraged more and more oral sex from me and now it’s someone else inhaling her aroma and tasting her.

In the camera view reflecting in the mirror, I could see Rhonda looking over my shoulder. She took the remote in her hand and zoomed in camera two. Now my dripping, throbbing crimson cock is on display for all in the room to see. Rhonda could see the weeping pre-cum much better now.

She stepped to the right side of the chair and reached her pink glove toward him. Her index finger touched at at the base of my cock where the smooth and wrinkly skin meet. Lightly tracing up the underside raphe to the ooze descending my frenulum. I shuddered. After she wiped the seepage, she brought the glove to my mouth and rubbed it on my lips.

Anne moaned loudly. Nastya was inserting the first 2 fingers of her gloved left hand while she licked aggressively Anne’s clit and glowing inner lips. Thrusting, pushing up, withdrawing, licking. Squeezing her thumb to her two fingers providing inner and outer pressure simultaneously on Anne’s clit and G-spot, Nastya was raising Anne to a violent orgasm. I strained at my bonds in sympathy. Camera 2 zoomed out and we could all see my body glistening with a fresh coating of sweat.

Anne bucked and flopped backward yelling every expletive she knows. Nastya didn’t relent. She furiously pumped her fist ramming her knuckles into Anne’s clit as she drove the full length of her fingers the full depth of her tunnel. She glanced up at the mirror and smiled at the look of frustration on my face.

Anne’s knees relaxed as Nastya stopped her pounding. Nastya rolled off the bed and walked over toward me and Rhonda. She paused in front of me and grabbed my chin with her left hand. She held my gaze for a long moment before she flicked the end of my cock with her finger. I flinched and bucked my hips. She held my chin as she walked around the chair on my left letting it go as she passed my shoulder.

I heard her at the dresser behind me picking up additional items for the show. She reemerged with a huge pink double-sided dildo and bottle of lube. The dildo was probably 20 inches long divided in thirds. The ends were obviously veined with a significant corona and probably 5 or 6 inch girth toward the middle. The middle third had ribbed handholds like old-style bicycle handlebar grips. On either side of the grips extended symmetrical bumps representing testicles.

“You want my cock,” Nastya said as she held one side of the beast near Anne’s face. Anne looked at the mock cock then up at Nastya’s face then over at me. She held her eyes on me as she touched the tip with the pad of her middle finger and slid her hand up until the heel of her palm glanced off the tip. “So he likes this. You like this.” Nastya was watching me in the mirror as I shifted in the seat processing a memory of this action. She flicked open the top of the lube and squirted a line from the tip of the shaft.

Anne wrapped both hands lightly around the length of the fake cock and twisted. She pulled her hands toward her and pushed away. Nastya let the opposite end of the dildo brush her clit as she could not prevent the massive cock’s movement under Anne’s manipulation. I continued squirming very aware of what Anne would be doing with my cock. She would work up a bead of pre-cum and lick the tip and wink at me.

Nastya said, “How long to you play with him before you finally let him fuck you? Hmm?” She shoved the thick dick forward.

Anne slapped it away and laughed. “You cocks are all alike. Always in a hurry to find a hole.” She grabbed on again and regained control. She kissed the tip and continued lecturing the mystery member, “You need to chill out for a minute, mister. Ha ha ha.”

Nastya, laughed too. She withdrew the dildo and leaned in for a deep kiss then paced around the foot of the bed. She pulled Anne’s ankle turning her so she was laying with her head to the left side of the bed, her body parallel to the end. As Nastya got to the middle of the bed, she lifted Anne’s right leg, ducked her body under it and scooted herself up the bed between her legs. She squirted a liberal amount of lube on her pussy and her end of the big double dildo. She rubbed the lube up and down her labia then pulled to insert it. “Ufff” then “Oh yes.” She slid it in and out a few times until her pussy consumed it to the first set of balls.

Scooting forward, she did the same with Anne. Nastya put her right leg up on the bed, her calf up under Anne’s left buttock. She put her left over Anne’s right hip and took hold of her hands. They pulled toward each other and rocked their scissors together. Nastya reached between them and violently thrust the double cock between them.

Rhonda couldn’t resist having some fun. She left the camera controls and knelt before me. She rested her forearms on my thighs and put her fingers behind my scrotum separating my balls one into each hand. She started a firm massage as she slowly, lightly flicked my frenulum with the tip of her tongue. I was already leaking from my vicarious participation with Anne and Nastya. Rhonda pushed me closer to the edge. She felt my cock begin to spasm as Anne and Nastya screamed their release. She firmly squeezed my cock and held it. I’m straining with Rhonda to withhold the release while the girls on the bed both grunt and fall backward totally expended.

Nastya moved first. She dug her heel into the bedding and pushed her butt back enough to pull the huge dildo out. She stood at the foot of the bed and put her left hand on Anne’s pubes, combing the wispy hair with her fingers as she slowly pulled the giant pink tool free. She tossed it at my feet beside the riding crop and walked past me. I heard her open the mini-fridge and take out some bottles.

The water was cold. We keep the fridge set to 40 degrees. She handed bottles to Rhonda and Anne then opened hers and took a long swallow. Rhonda chugged her bottle and flipped into the waste basket. “I don’t know why I am so thirsty, you two did all the work. Can I borrow that pink monster?”

“Sure, any time, my dear,” Nastya said. “It’s the least I can do to thank you for your help today.” She looked at Anne as she finished her bottle and hopped off the bed. Nastya kept her eyes fixed on Anne’s ass as she went to the fridge for another round. She brought the second bottle to my lips and offered a sip.

The three of them gathered in front of me and gawked at my swollen package. Rhonda covered her mouth on a mock gasp, “My god, is that what blue balls looks like?” She stepped back behind me and took the remote to zoom in the camera. I looked up at the mirror and saw what they were seeing.

Dark as plums, the normally loose skin of my scrotum was tight. I ache and crave release. I am sure they are not quite ready to grant that wish.

“Good job, Rhonda. Nothing but tears of Cowper's fluid escaped. Those boys are ripe and full for me.” Nastya kissed her cheek. She kissed Anne and said, “do you two want to go freshen for breakfast?”

“Nope. Not a chance,” they said, “it’s our turn to observe.” They each grabbed another water. Anne retreated to the bed. She plumped and arranged pillows at the head of the bed. Meanwhile, Rhonda repositioned camera 1 to catch my other side. Rhonda took the remotes to the other side of the room and sat in the overstuffed chair by the windows.

“So, what about this?“ For the first time in nearly an hour Nastya addressed me. “I need more than this. Look at this. You are just a prop. A dildo in a chair. Anne, can you use him like this?”

“Ha ha. No, I have no use for a tied-up man after foreplay.” Anne replied. “But what you do today is your call.”

To be continued -



Mr E's Erotic Stories
Wylde Erotic Cravings

Full time management professional. Part time writer, mostly erotic stories told by men encountering strong women.