Servicing the Trash Man, My Filthy Hotwife Adventure

Ruan Willow
Wylde Erotic Cravings
21 min readNov 16, 2023

I adjusted my sundress for maximum cleavage, which was quite easy being blessed with double D’s. His truck would be here imminently. I paced in front of the tall windows flanking the front door. I peered into the dim early morning sunshine, my heart racing.

My husband’s hands smoothed down my ass cheeks and he cupped each of them in his strong hands. He gave a strong squeeze before leaning in to whisper in my ear, “You ready?” His voice was seductive and commanding, which gave me a delicious clit twitch.

“Yes, John. I’m very ready.” I shifted my hips to savor his tightening grabs.

“You fuck him good, alright? I’ll be watching.” His voice was breathy and full of lusty anticipation.

The most exciting part was that I never knew when he’d watch my sexual escapades or how he would. That was part of the fun, the not knowing how he’d spy on me and the other man. He often arranged my hotwife dates for me, but he really loved it when I set them up myself too. I’d been courting Jaxon our garbage man for quite some time. I was ready to go in for the official fuck today. I knew I’d kill it. There was no way he’d say ‘no’.

John pressed his erection to my backside and snaked his hands up my front. “Good, no bra. Good girl.” He thrust his hardon between my buns and growled. “Can’t wait to watch you seduce him. Then I’m reclaiming you. I’m feeling very horny and aggressive already, so you’d better be ready for me.”

His words sent shivers through me and a jolt through my pelvic region.

We’d stepped into the hotwife lifestyle ten months ago and we’d fallen into a fabulous routine. John would find men to have sex dates with me, or occasionally I would, and upon his approval, we’d fuck. Then John would reclaim me as his woman. Not that he ever gave me away, it was more of a wife share than a giving away of anything. A fuck loan that needed to be repaid by me. I’d happily and lustily submit to his will afterwards. I got to fuck other men and John wanted me to. It gave him an even bigger reason to dominate me, which we both loved.

Our marriage had changed once I lost my job. I wasn’t able to find another one and stopped looking once both John and I realized how happy we both were with me being a housewife. I’d worked diligently all my life, an independent strong woman of forty-three. Well, that hadn’t changed, but what did change was that now I took care of our home full time, made gourmet meals, and fucked men on the regular. John never considered me lesser for not pulling in money, we were equal partners, it was just that I didn’t get money in exchange for what I did. What I got was happiness, fulfillment, and John got the same. He felt cared for, attended to, and aroused in a way that perfectly met his satiation.

It satisfied me far more than I had ever expected, and I’d drip pussy juice when we’d talk about our plans. The debriefing after the fuck was even yummier.

I’d have never thought this would be how I’d be in my midlife. I figured I’d be the nurse manager in the hospital or something, not someone who stayed home all the time. But in staying home, I’d learned to cook like a gourmet chef, worked out like a gym rat, and made love to my husband every day. Life couldn’t be any better.

But then it got better. Way better.

When we started the hotwife way of life, it became off the charts spectacular. Like it blew my mind like no other experience ever before in my life. And I was going to get to fuck a new man again.

“I wonder if he will do it?” I glanced back at John as I bit my lip. My gaze was saucy and sassy.

“I have faith in you. That’s the challenge when you find the man,” he reminded me.

He was right there. When I found the man to have sex with, it was my job to seduce him. Sometimes I had let the man think I was cheating, at first, but other times I let them in on our secret. Reading the man’s turn-ons in the moment always guided my plan. It was like a dance, and I loved the improvisation of the whole flirtation. If I got the man to fuck me, which usually was pretty easy, my reward was John pleasuring me to orgasmic heights after, then I submitted to whatever his sexual whims were at that moment, which varied between punishments to rewards. But either way, we both came hard as cannon blasts.

It had enflamed our sex life to unimaginable highs. It gave a new meaning to the phrase ‘getting lucky’.

“Go be your sexy self,” John whispered in my ear, his voice full of lust and hunger. “I know you will.” He growled like a wolf, and I shuddered.

He gave me one light spank on my right ass cheek as the garbage truck rumbled down the street.

“Go play, babe,” he commanded. “Fuck that cock hard.”

My heart did a giddy leap inside my chest and set itself on a rampant pounding. It wouldn’t slow down for quite some time I figured.

Jaxon was a sexy man, and his gaze always gave me butterflies. I couldn’t wait for him to swoop out of the truck and approach me.

I pulled the front door open and bounded out into the birthing sunshine. The aroma of flowers blooming flooded my nostrils.

Jaxon was late today, which had my hunger for him raging.

Barefoot, I sauntered across the grass. I planted myself in my flower garden and waved at him even though he was too far away. I bent over and fixed a flower, that didn’t really need fixing. I grinned. A girl has to use whatever props were in front of her to draw her prey in.

Jaxon visited all the houses in order as I primped and prodded my already weeded flower bed. I glanced at the house but couldn’t see John in any of the windows. It set my heart beating faster not knowing where he’d be. Wondering if he was watching me fuck the man yet was always thrilling. It was part of the game and John always loved it when I guessed it right from the moment he started watching. At times, John had made it obvious, and others he’d stayed hidden until the man left. Thinking of him stroking his cock while he watched me get railed was always so damn hot. It made me come so hard.

Jaxon pulled his truck up to our driveway and I bent over again so he could likely see my bare nipples through the low neckline of my sundress.

His eyes lit with desire as he rounded the front end of his garbage truck.

“Hi Laney,” he said breathlessly.

He was panting already. Perfect.

“Hi Jaxon. Nice morning, isn’t it?” I dipped my body forward further so he could get an even better look at my bare tits inside the bodice of my dress.

His smile deepened. “Very nice indeed. I love your flower garden. You weed it so well,” he said suggestively as I dug around.

I knew he was likely to be my willing victim when I spied his erection pressing a bulge out of pants. I swiveled my ass towards him and doubled over at the waist. The breeze lifted the hem of my sundress slightly and tickled my bare pussy lips. I sighed and said, “Yeah, it’s hard work keeping all the weeds at bay all the time. Weeding never ends.”

He let out a groan, but didn’t acknowledge it as he said, “You keep it in perfect form.”

I grinned. He wasn’t talking about my garden at all. “I work at it every day.”

“I can tell,” he said with a whistle.

I straightened up my spine and slowly swayed my hips exaggeratedly as I walked towards him. I gave him major fuck me eyes before asking, “Have a busy day today? Or it is a low pickup day?”

“Oh, it’s not bad. I have a few hours more at the least. But stopping at your house always makes my day. If you ever need an extra pickup, text me.” He heckled at his own desperate sounding voice. “Please?”

I nodded as I grabbed his arm and gazed up into his soft brown eyes. They were brimming with desire. “Sure thing,” I said with assurance.

He drew in a deep breath and looked very happy that I was touching him.

“I appreciate that, Jaxon. You are gem for offering. I may ask you for something extra with your service.”

“It gets to be a lonely job, not much interaction with others. So, I always enjoy our chats.”

“I do too.” I released his arm, but then captured it again in an embrace of my breasts. “Very much so. You are so kind to talk with me.”

He grinned salaciously as I shimmied my breasts against his arm. “You have such nice …”

I smiled devilishly as he struggled for his next words. “Boobies?” I said to help him out.

He laughed heartily, his belly bouncing in tune. “Yes.”

“And … other parts,” I said suggestively.

“Yes,” he said with less unease. “I’m glad you said it and not me.” He glanced around at the neighbor’s homes. “Your husband home today?”

“Oh yes, he is.” I didn’t plan on hiding anything from Jaxon. He’d flirted with me so many times when John was home that I had concluded that he wasn’t going to mind the whole hotwife thing. It was a risk, of course, to consider telling him, I might lose the fuck, and get a freakish look, but I had a sneaking suspicion that Jaxon would be into it. And honestly, I didn’t care if he wasn’t. His loss. I’d just move on to the next fuck.

“I see. He must keep pretty busy working from home most days?” Jaxon was fishing for info, and it was part of the fun of the game.

“Yes, he has many meetings he has to be on for hours most days. But not today. He has no meetings right now.” A surge of empowerment rippled across my chest, and I stepped in front of Jaxon and bent over to pick a weed in the grass. I backed up a step, then another so my ass pressed smack against his hardon.

“Wow,” he muttered in awe. “I didn’t expect.”

I giggled, which made my butt cheeks move against his engorged penis.

“Oh, my God,” he muttered. He drew in a deep gasp.

“Oh, sorry about that, I just saw another weed so I snatched it up. My bad.” I stood up and faced him, my cheeks flushed. Coming on to him this aggressively was embarrassing, but that was a turn on in and of itself. I wanted him to think I was desperate, so I stepped up to him and pressed by tits against his canvas work shirt. “I don’t suppose you’d be able to help me move a piece of garbage from the garage, would you?”

“Oh, I’d be happy to help you.” His expression was dopey, but he looked so happy.

I wondered if he thought I was just going to flash him, or if he knew my come-ons meant something more. I peered around for John but saw no sign of him. I grabbed Jaxon’s arm again and smashed my breasts against his thick arm. “I need a strong man like you to do what I need.” If he didn’t have an inkling that I was seducing him, this man would have to have been a dunce. And if he was that stupid, he didn’t deserve my pussy.

I pulled Jaxon along towards the garage, glancing around to see if any neighbors were watching, and I had high hopes at least one was catching this whole scene. My neighbor to the right had watched Jaxon and I flirt many times, then he’d come out to get a closer look while pretending to do yard work. I had asked John to approach him about fucking me, but John said he had his reasons why he wasn’t going to do that. At least, not yet. It just made me more intrigued.

My pussy lips were wet and slid against each other as I tugged Jaxon into our garage. Near my husband’s workbench, we’d added a sex chair and a couch we wouldn’t mind getting cum on. No one but us ever came into our garage anyway so no we’d had zero questionable glances about the additions, until now.

Jaxon stopped cold and stared at the sex furniture. “Is that what I think it is?” He was aghast but clearly pleased.

“Yes.” I pulled him over to the blowup couch with the loops for cuffs on the sides and flung myself over it. I pressed it all over. “I think this might have a hole in it and we might need to throw it away. Will you check it for me?”

“Gladly,” he said. He lined up next to me and began to fondle the couch with his calloused hands. His rough grabs made me want his hands on my bare skin even more. “I don’t feel anything.” He leaned down and placed his ear near it. “I don’t hear any hissing sounds of air escaping.”

“Oh,” I said innocently. “Maybe it needs some pressure applied before we can really know.”

He chuckled exuberantly. “You going to jump on it?” He looked as if he wished this would happen.

“Good idea,” I said. I climbed up on top and began to jump. My tits flopped heavily with each landing and my sundress flew up, giving him peeks at my bare pussy. I heard a snicker from the back corner of the garage. I glanced over and saw John’s shoulder silhouetted. He was pretty camouflaged so I didn’t think Jaxon would notice.

Jaxon pressed himself down harder and listened. He was looking up my skirt at the same time as he dragged his ear around the surface of the blown-up couch. “I don’t hear a thing. I think it might be okay.” His smile was so big I thought it might break his face in half.

Instantly I wanted to indulge his cock and let him slide it up my cunt. I stopped jumping and sat down, pressing my bare pussy to the plastic, and smearing my juices across it as I slid off. “It might need something stronger to test it, I’m thinking.”

Jaxon cocked his head to the side. “I could punch it?”

I smiled and gave him a demure look. “Or you could fuck me over it. That might likely do it.”

He took a step back, his face frozen in an expression of utter shock.

I didn’t move but kept the lusty look on my face.

He stammered, “Are you being serious? Because if you are …”

“Oh, I’m very serious, Jaxon. Will you fuck me?” I smiled at him and pursed my lips. “Please?” I begged.

He blinked several times before stroking his goatee. His dick looked even bigger beneath his work pants. “Your husband around though?”

I loved that he seemed temped and gave him a very pleased expression. “He is around. But Jaxon, I’m a hotwife.”

His smirk grew into a lecherous look. “Oh, yeah? Is that so?”

“Yes, and he wants other men to fuck me. He gets off on it.” I was ecstatic he knew what hotwife was.

His eyes widened but the smile never left his lips as he asked, “A cuck? No shit?”

I shook my head as I took a step towards him. “Not exactly. No. He sets up sex dates for me. Then watches me get fucked, then he fucks me himself.”

His eyes turned skeptical. “Does he know you are doing this right now, by chance?” His tone was almost hopeful.

“Yes. He told me to seduce you.” I pressed my forefinger into my mouth and sucked it. “But he knew I wanted to fuck you, because I told him. He’s watched almost all of our flirtations from inside the house.”

He dropped his jaw, but his eyes lit with joy. “For real?”

“Yes. Are you in?” My heart did a pitter patter as I approached the kill.

“Well, I guess I am if your husband is on board.” He glanced back at his truck as it rumbled a bit while idling. “Wouldn’t take long, I suppose.”

I snickered. “Not likely. I’m pretty hot and I’m guessing you are the same.”

He rubbed his hands together. “Damn straight I am. You are sexy as fuck. I never expected this today.” He glanced around the garage. “He in here somewhere hiding?”

“Yes,” I admitted. “But I don’t know where he is.”

“Smart man,” Jaxon said, not looking a bit scared. “I wouldn’t mind watching his reclaiming of you, if it turned you guys on.” He seemed full of anticipation that I’d say yes.

“We can ask him. After. It would certainly turn me on.” I strode up to him and stroked his face. “What do you say? You wanna fuck?”

His face blossomed into someone who had just won the lottery. “Damn right I do, darling.”

I pressed my body to his and he bent down to kiss me. He tasted like coffee and donuts as I savored his tongue against mine. His hands cupped my ass and he groaned.

I moaned, ecstatic to finally have his hands on me.

“Fuck, I haven’t had sex in a few years,” he slurred as he suckled my neck.

“High time, then,” I whispered into his mouth before we kissed again. The mound at his crotch felt like a brick against my abdomen. “You seem quite ready to shove that inside me.”

“Oh, you have no idea,” he said so full of desire my clit twitched.

He might not think so, but I fully got it. I had a particular affinity for satiating men who hadn’t had sex in a long time. Their passion was always bright as the sun, short lived as it was, they often came quickly, but it was always hot and brilliant while it lasted, like the explosion of fireworks. I knew if I didn’t come, it never mattered, John would make me come multiple times when it came his turn at my pussy. But I’d found most men wanted to make me come. I’d had a few narcissistic men who’d not cared, but being used was also a kink of mine. And again, I had John who always made sure I was sexually satisfied and fully spent before the day was done. He was my king, and I was his queen. And as much as I wanted him sexually satiated, he wanted it more for me.

Jaxon’s hands traveled my body, shifting my sundress revealing my flesh to expose various parts of me. He always had an air of hunger about him when we’d flirted, maybe it was because I’d engaged him. I’d blatantly sought out his attention by flirting with him every Friday.

“Fuck, you are so fucking hot,” he blurted in a strained voice.

My only hope was he wouldn’t come in his pants before he shoved himself inside my wet slutty hole. I needed to move this along. “How do you want me, Jaxon?” I writhed against his torso. “I’m really horny and I want your cock inside me.”

He guffawed. “This is like my fantasy coming true. Fuck.” He cleared his throat and looked around. “I won’t lie, I’ve fantasized about fucking you. But are you sure your husband isn’t going to appear out of a dark shadow with a raised hammer for my head?” He seemed to be joking, but a bit serious.

“It’s all good,” John called loudly. “Fuck her. Then you can watch me fuck her.” It was a command, not a suggestion. “She gets off on dirty talk.”

I grinned in a gloat, super happy John revealed himself, and he was on board with letting Jaxon watch him take me. I was thrilled! This was a gift!

“Oh, well, I’ll be damned, I’ve fallen into a real life porno.” He laughed with glee. “How did I get this lucky today?”

I twirled in front of him, so my sundress flared, then I bent over to show him my tits once more. “Because I wanted you. Now. Take me, I’m yours, Jaxon.” Well, really, he was mine, but I wasn’t about to point that fact out.

He opened his arms and I rushed into them.

“Yes, I want this. How will you fuck me?” I pressed him again.

“If you’re my slut for the moment, I definitely want you doggy. But I’d like to see my whoring slut naked first.”

I took a step back and lifted my arms over my head. “Do the honors,” I instructed. I was acutely aware that the garage door was wide open and any one of my neighbors could catch a glimpse of my naked booty. But this made it all the more exhilarating.

He lunged at me and flung my sundress off so quickly I gasped.

“Wow, fuck you are unbelievable,” he seethed through clenched teeth. “Perfect.”

“Oh, you’ve seen them. I’ve all but flashed you at least twenty times.”

“It’s not the same as seeing you fully bare naked. You are stunning. Gorgeous.”

I beamed at his sexy compliment and spun for him when he motioned his forefinger in circle.

“Your husband is a very lucky man indeed.” He whistled. “Shit. No shit.”

“Yes, I am,” John answered, which was a scrumptious reminder that my loving husband was still watching.

Jaxon grabbed me and turned me around faster than I could think it. He bent me over and caressed my bare bottom in one fell swoop of his hand. His hunger for me was evident and it wet my pussy more.

I moaned out my appreciation of his gruff touching as he next meandered his hands to cup my hanging breasts.

“Oh, fuck me,” he muttered. “I can’t believe I get to do this to you.”

His breath along the flesh of my back was seductive and my pussy lips flared slightly open. He pressed his fingers along my slit with his other hand and I knew I was in for a climax with how he worked my pussy into a lather.

“You like it like this?” he asked as he rubbed my clit aggressively.

“Yes,” I moaned. “And more. Harder. I like it hard.” I barely got the words out I was already panting so fast.

“I get off on you coming first, so tell me how you like it.” His declaration yanked my climax to the edge.

“Mmmm,” I moaned. “Yeah, that. More of that.” I rocked my hips trying to get as much of his finger press along my slit and lips as I could. When he molested my clitoral head in rough rubs, I cried out, “Yes, oh my fuck me, yes!” I gasped as my moans increased in intensity. “Just like that.” I clutched at the couch, but it was too full of air for me to get a handful, so I curled my fingers to my palms instead. Within thirty seconds, he had me ready to climax.

I loved that I was naked, and he was still clothed as he was well on his way at making me come. But I also couldn’t wait to see his cock.

“Gonna come,” I said between big whimpers. “Please, don’t stop, Jaxon.”

He didn’t respond but roughed up my clit even more vigorously. With his hot breath on my back and his fat erection pressed to me, I came hard. I released a cry before my body began its orgasm curl. My eyes rolled and my eyelids fluttered as I gasped out my peak. My body twitched as I finished the orgasm.

“Oh, fuck that was so good,” I said in a soft gratified voice. “So good, Jaxon. So good.”

He slowed his finger movements but kept himself pressed to my backside.

“Now beat up my pussy with that cock,” I pleaded.

He laughed with abandon. “That won’t be a tough task at all, darling.” He unzipped his pants and presented his packed cock head at my opening.

I tried to get a glimpse of his cock, but he was too eager.

He roughly entered me, but he slid right in because of my juices and began pounding me from behind like a beast in heat. His grunts drove up my passion as he smacked into my butt from behind. My tits were swinging violently as John appeared out of the shadows.

His grin was big and salacious as he watched Jaxon fuck me primal like a wild bear. Within a minute, Jaxon gave a deep growl, then railed me, shaking my body violently against his relentless thrusts.

I cried out and hollered as he hungrily used my slippery hole right in front of my husband’s approving gaze.

“Fuck her good and hard, Jaxon. Get her ready for me.” John looked smug and I loved pleasing him this way.

I played with my clit as Jaxon took his pleasure from my pussy. I came again, this time a smaller orgasm, but still one, and that’s all that mattered. My walls clenched around his cock inside me, and he groaned deeply.

He pulled his cock out and his hot cum splattered across my skin.

I savored the wet sounds as he stroked his wet cock milking it all out to coat me.

“Oh, fuck,” he said sounding satisfied. “That was the best fuck ever.”

“Rub your cum into my skin, Jaxon.”

He snorted but obeyed. “Never had a woman like you before. That was incredible.”

His hands spread his cum across my lower back and buttocks, I smirked as he ran his hands along my hips too. As his cum dried on me, John uncrossed his arms.

“Thank you,” Jaxon stated meekly. “Never in my life have I ever.” He took a few steps back from my backside and said, “Whew! Holy fuck.”

“Thank you,” said John sternly. “I thank every man who makes my beautiful wife come. She deserves to come as many times as she desires.”

“Aw, I got you now,” Jaxon stated. “I get it. You really are a smart man.”

“Yes, and now I get whatever I want from her. And she loves giving it to me.” John securely locked my hips between his hands. He pressed his hardon to the crevice between my cheeks. “You can go over there where I had been standing.”

John stepped away from me and I shuddered because I guessed this time, he’d wanted to punish me a bit.

His hand smacked my ass hard three times. “You naughty little whore.”

I winced from each whack, but the reverberations through my aroused clit rang up my next climax nicely. It wouldn’t take me much to climax again. I met Jaxon’s eyes as John spanked me once more.

He laughed and nodded. “Nice,” he said appreciatively. He was clearly enjoying my punishment almost as much as we were, maybe more.

The humiliation of being spanked in front of another man, especially one who had just had his cock inside me, was titillating. Not gonna lie. I whimpered and moaned as John hit my right ass cheek with his hard cock.

He fondled my hanging nips and yanked on them repeatedly.

I yelped and Jaxon nodded again. “That’s right,” he said with a filthy smirk.

John slapped my ass once more. “Who’s your king?” he commanded.

“You are, Sir.” My voice was barely audible.

“That’s right. You’re mine and mine alone.” He caressed my bottom before visiting my lower lips with the tips of his fingers. “Mmmm, nice and wet. Good work, Jaxon.”

I found it interesting he kept acknowledging Jaxon. My husband was so wonderful, I never knew what he’d do next, and the surprises always added more spice to whatever we were doing. The novelty made the whole scene even more titillating when he’d do something new like this.

“Fuck me, I’m yours, Sir.” Sometimes he was my ‘Daddy’, sometimes he was my ‘Sir’, but regardless, I submitted happily to his will every damn time.

John pressed his cockhead inside me. “Mine. You’re mine. All mine.”

“Yes,” I said shaking my head against the plastic. My body bounced on the blow-up couch as he fucked me increasingly harder by the second. I watched Jaxon’s face as my husband fucked me roughly doggystyle and it flared my passion greater. “More.” When John pressed my clit, I screamed out, “I’m gonna.”

He left my clit and selfishly rammed himself to the hilt inside me, successfully arousing my G-spot to the max point. I scrambled to catch my chance at another orgasm and spanked my external clit, then rubbed it. I came first, then John grunted several times before pumping himself into me even harder and faster. He spewed his cum up inside my contracting vagina.

“Oh, fuck,” I gasped out. “That was big big big.”

He slowed his thrusting into me but remained inside me. He rubbed my back and sides. “Good girl, very good girl.”

I collapsed on the couch, now cum drunk and floaty feeling. “Holy fucking shit,” I managed to say as both men stared down at me with giant grins.

“You can say that again,” John said through his panting.

Seeing both men looking pleased added to my enjoyment of it all. “Best threesome yet,” I cooed.

John nodded. “Yeah, for me too. That was totally unexpected. I didn’t plan to reveal myself.”

Jaxon scoffed. “Well, I’m glad you did. I was half expecting you to come running at me like a mad man and beat the shit out of me.”

“Nope. That’s not how we roll.” John extended his hand to Jaxon, and they shook hands over my naked body.

With both men still dressed, and only John’s cock out, it felt even more taboo to be spread out nude beneath them. But honestly, I felt like a queen under their handshake. I was the sex goddess they had served. I’d come the most of the three of us and gotten the most pleasure. But then, that was my goal from the start.

Jaxon shrugged. “Well, thanks for the fuck. I’d better get back to it. I’m a bit off schedule now.”

I giggled. “I’ve been enjoying wondering if the neighbors have wondered what’s going on with your truck just parked at our house and still running this whole time.”

He chuckled. “Well, if they see my grin, they might know something.”

“Thanks, Jaxon, for playing along with my wife’s wishes.”

“Oh, it was my pleasure. Anytime. Count me in.” He waved and walked down the driveway.

John scooped me up and we watched Jaxon move on to the neighbor’s garbage can.

I gazed into John’s eyes. “I just fucked our garbage man. And I feel incredible.”

“As you should, babe. Now let’s head inside and have some breakfast. I want to satiate you another way.”

“I love you, John.” I smiled. “Look at you, with that satisfied grin, my wonderful husband.”

He winked back. “I love you all through eternity.”

I soaked up our sappy affirmations of love and prepared my tummy with the thoughts of an omelet and coffee. I laughed as he carried me up the stairs to the door. “He tasted like coffee. I didn’t think my first taste of coffee of the day would come from our garbage man’s mouth.”

John laughed heartily as he carried me across the threshold. “Now that’s a one liner you don’t hear often.”

“Like never!”

He set me down and I went to grab my robe as he headed for the kitchen. The day was off to the best start I could ever want, and it was only 8:00 in the morning.

The end.

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Ruan Willow
Wylde Erotic Cravings

Ruan Willow is an erotica author, sexuality/erotica podcaster at Oh F*ck Yeah with Ruan Willow, & a voiceover narrator.