The Bull and the Bear

Part One

Stone Wilde
Wylde Erotic Cravings
6 min readJul 15, 2023


Photo by cottonbro studio:

It must have been about the hottest day of summer so far. The air was stifled with humidity and the slight breeze there was, was sticky and pine scented. Birds hid and chirped in the tall conifers at the boundary Bear’s backyard. Bear and I sat on canvas camp chairs, chugging a lager. A gnat landed lazily on the rim of my beer can and took flight as I raised it to my parched lips.

Bear had removed his shirt and his toned bronze body glistened in the sun like a twenty-five-year-old, even though he had just turned fifty-two. His daily running kept him trim and muscular. I knew very few men who still possessed a six pack at his age. His slender face was festooned with close-cropped salt and pepper beard and bore an expression of sage serenity. His small beady eyes always radiated a thoughtful stare. He was always the guy that women paid attention to when we were out together. They’d melt, swooning, when he spoke to them in that chocolate voice of his. I could see them melt inside. It didn’t hurt much that he was a successful engineer and owned a manufacturing plant. Bear tilted his head back and emptied his beer can before crunching it in his fist. A thin stream of sweat trickled from his neck and blinked on his chest. If I was a woman, I’d be creaming my panties right about now, I grinned and downed another mouthful.

“Ready for another bro?” He swung his legs into the air and used the momentum to fling himself back on to his feet. His short shorts had pulled up around his groin and showed off his running tan lines. As he stretched his arms above his head, the trickle of sweat cascaded down to the edge of his shorts and disappeared.

“Sure mate,” I raised my almost empty can, shook it and downed the last bitter dregs. “Best get another one down before the womenfolk get back.”

Our wives, Mary and Pamela had visited a nearby spa that Bear’s wife had won in a school fund- raising raffle.

I leaned back into the camp chair, head slightly fuzzy from the beer and sun. A shadow loomed over me; it was the athletic silhouette of Bear holding a can under my nose. That warm breeze stirred behind him, and I got a combined whiff of his deodorant and sweat which made my head buzz even more. I felt my chest skip and my gut contract. Jesus, I thought, What the fuck is happening to me?

I cracked open the can and took a long swig. The cold fizzy liquid rushed down my throat and spilled over my lips. I wiped my mouth with a manly swipe of the back of my hand.

“You ok mate? You attacked that beer with more gusto than I eat pussy.” He winked.

“You still eat pussy?” I asked.

“You bet I do! Heavenly nectar.” He winked again.

“Mary taste good?” I asked.

“Fuck bro, unbelievable, even after all these years. I guess it’s because she’s a vegetarian?” He shrugged. “How does Pamela taste?”

I paused. “I have no idea. She’s not into that. I dunno, maybe she’s, you know, a bit insecure.”

“Don’t you wonder how she tastes?” Bear asked.

“All the time! And goddamn, she gets so wet. Sometimes I lick my fingers, but you know, it’s not the same.”

“Yeah, you want the whole holy of holies.” Bear said in his deep rich chocolatey voice.

I pictured him going down on Mary. She looked really good and, in my mind, they looked fantastic together. Then I became aware of my cock stiffening.

Bear continued in his smooth voice. “Mary fucking loves it. Drives her crazy. Sometimes I surprise her and push the tip of my tongue into her butthole,” he let out a chuckle, “that really gets her going.”

By this time my cock was stiff and throbbing. I crossed a leg over my knee to hide my boner and rested my beer in my lap. Bear was less coy.

“Fuck, all this talk about pussy mixed with the beer has made my dick hard!” He pressed down the front of his pants and I could see the bulging outline protruding from his groin. His size looked impressive. Once more, I felt the air disappear from my lungs. I couldn’t understand what was happening to me. I knew I was straight but the sight of just the outline of Bear’s dick was getting me excited.

“How bout you mate, feeling a little stiff there?” He winked.

Fuck it I thought. I boldly pressed down the front of my pants to show off my own bulge.

Bear whistled. “Fuck dude, what you packing there? Looks my wife’s big black dildo.

I knew I wasn’t big, but Bear’s words gave me some motivation.

“Nothing like yours Bear.” I let out a nervous laugh.

“Bullshit! Come let’s compare. You wanna?”

“I’m not sure,” I hesitated. I’d never been naked around another naked guy since I was in boarding school, when I had no choice.

“C’mon,” he urged. “We’ve been buds for years. Come, I’ll go first.” And before I knew it he was up and his shorts slipped around his ankles. I looked up and saw his long rigid cock twitching about two feet away from me. He pulled his sheath back and the glans reflected the bright afternoon sun. I couldn’t take my eyes off his cock. Another striking appearance was that he was completely shaved, his balls too. They hung like two ripe weights, one slightly lower than the other.

I raised myself from the camp chair in a slow and calculated movement and removed my shorts with a couple of sways of my hip as if I was changing in a swimming pool cloak room. I kicked my shorts off and they landed randomly nearby. I pushed out my fully erect cock and clenched my ass cheeks. I felt the sun warm my cock and buttocks and a rush of dopamine circulated my groin. I pulled back my foreskin as though to copy Bear, because I wasn’t exactly sure what else to do.

“Oh, my fuck, Trent. I don’t mean this to sound gushing or anything, but you’ve got a beautiful cock, man.”

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Fuck, yeah!”

“Okay, well thanks, I think. Yours isn’t too bad. I must say I’ve always wondered whether you were cut or not.”

“Haha,” Bear laughed. “I wondered the same about you too.”

“Yeah?” I chuckled. Imagine that two straight guys, friends, wondering how each other’s cocks looked. “That’s some artery running along the top, does it bother you?”

“Not at all. Mary loves it. We have an inside joke about it.”

“Yeah?” I said.

“When I’m horny and she’s not, she’ll tell me to stop being vein.”

I laughed.

“Hey, should we compare lengths just for shits and giggles?”

“Yeah,” I said “let me get my tape measure.”

“Don’t worry about a tape measure let’s just stand like this,” he stood close in front of me, “and put our cocks next to each other.”

“Ok,” I said without thinking about it.

We guided our cocks next to the other’s. The side of our cocks made sweaty contact. Bear took both of our cocks between his fingers and thumb. I held my breath. I’d never had another guy touch my cock before. My cock twitched in his hand, and I had to plant my toes firmly into the grass as not to want to fall against him. He was bigger than me by half an inch.

“Well looks like I win in the length department, but you take the trophy in the girth area.” He slid his hand along our conjoined cocks to make sure. “Yeah, it’s girth that makes the ladies happy. You’re like a fucking bull Trent.” He smiled

I hardly heard him. I was so focused on the stroke of his hand and the pleasure it transcended to my balls. I held my breath and pushed my hips forward. Our cocks parted and Bear quickly clutched them together again.

“Want to confirm Trent?” He invited me to replace his hand with mine. My hand trembled as I determined the difference of our girth between my thumb and fingers. I was thicker than Bear, but not by much. I stroked along the length of our cocks and felt Bear tremble and let out a soft moan. His cock felt warmer than mine. Soft, yet firm. I’d never touched another cock in my life before. I stroked our lengths again and Bear moaned, this time louder than before.

