The Drawing Room

Rowena (Ro) Sage
Wylde Erotic Cravings
2 min readJul 30, 2023

Agent Ranch Hand,

My secret is gone, as my certainty in us. I am not the same Ro you fell in love with; I am nothing now. I am an empty shell of a person who does not recognize the woman who blushes and is carefree in your letters. I fear that when you get to me, you will not find the woman you love, and you will leave again. I don’t know if I can watch you walk away again.

I should tell you not to come. That my time with you meant nothing, and you were right to leave before it became too serious. But that would be a lie. You are everything to me, why can’t you see that? What can I say to prove that to you? Why can’t I let you go?

Last night I dreamt of us. You found me in the drawing room, your hair was tousled as if you had been running your fingers through it too much, and you smelled of cedar and smoke. I remember walking slowly to you as you stared at me with a look of remorse and desire in your eyes. When I stopped before you, you dropped to your knees, using your eyes to beg for forgiveness. No words past between us as you slowly peeled off my leggings, never taking your eyes off mine. You hissed as you saw the red laced panties you bought me, the evidence of my arousal at your appearance evident. You nipped my clit through the lace, then ever so slowly took the fabric in your teeth and pulled it down my legs. I could barely stand, my legs shaking so badly and my pussy weeping for your tongue. As you kissed your way back up my leg, I threw my head back in anticipation, clenching on nothing, knowing that one stroke of your tongue would be my undoing.

I woke up drenched in sweat and unsatisfied because you were not there to relieve the tension that you had built up within me. I am frustrated that you have a suffocating hold on my heart, and I cannot escape. I am sad that you are not here to hold me as I weep through my orgasms, crying out your name as I cum. I am angry that you have left me here alone.

If you are truly coming Ranch, know that it will not be easy. I will be waiting for you in the drawing room so you can finish what was started.

Yours Forever.


