The Sex Loan

Ruan Willow
Wylde Erotic Cravings
13 min readOct 23, 2023



“Ugh! He’s so fucking annoying!” Janice shouts as she resists the temptation to throw her phone across the room to get away from the text messages polluting it. “He’s a slimy bastard! I can’t wait until this is fucking final,” she mutters. Anger boils inside her to a max point. She seethes, pressing her tongue to her teeth while baring them. A hiss slips out.

Laura comes into the room, dragging her blanket behind her. “You okay, Mommy?” Her expression is so sweet, it immediately calms Janice down.

She pulls Laura into a big hug. She needs to tone it down for her sake. She cringes as she recalls the kids will be going to his place next weekend, and she fears how they will fare. Will he feed them properly? Pay attention to them? Will they get hurt and scarred for life by spending the weekend with him? He’s a selfish narcissist she’d come to realize. And the thoughts of them alone with him really hurt.

Thoughts of Lenny flit into her brain. Maybe she could use Lenny to help her out. Plus, it would really make him furious, so that’s almost enough reason on its own. She smiles as a plan starts to formulate in her head.

She pulls Laura into the kitchen and fixes her a breakfast. “Got to get you ready for school, baby.”

She busies herself with the morning duties getting the girls ready for school. She keeps glaring at her…



Ruan Willow
Wylde Erotic Cravings

Ruan Willow is an erotica author, sexuality/erotica podcaster at Oh F*ck Yeah with Ruan Willow, & a voiceover narrator.