The woodland hunt — Francesca’s next CNC adventure

Angel Sub 034
Wylde Erotic Cravings
6 min readFeb 19, 2024
Photo by Sebastian Unrau on Unsplash

When the flare goes up in the sky, Master said to Francesca, run — run as far into the forest and as fast as you can. Because if the men catch you — well, if the men catch you, you know what will happen to you.

The morning of the hunt was fresh and clear, not too chilly for late May but without that stuffiness of full-blown summer. Francesca woke up before her alarm went off. For weeks, she’d been counting down to the day of the hunt, a fantasy she and her Master had first talked about a few years earlier, and which would finally come true.

It had all started as a joke. One afternoon, at Master’s house, they played hide and seek; well, something that might resemble hide and seek if you slapped on it age rating of 18+. At one point, it was Francesca’s turn to hide and Master laughed, confident that he would find her without much difficulty.

“Even if you find me,” she said, “you still have to catch me. And I’m pretty quick.”

This kind of challenge wasn’t something Master would let go without a comment. “You seem pretty sure of yourself, young lady,’” he said. “Don’t let me test you on that.”

‘”What, my speed?” Francesca’s coquettish smile teased him. “I’m pretty sure I run 5 miles faster than you, Sir, so forgive me for not being too scared. Also, make that 10 miles.”

Their relationship, although based on his absolute authority and her absolute obedience, nevertheless didn’t stifle her playful spirit and cheekiness. If anything, Master encouraged it, praised her for challenging him, as long as she obeyed him in all the important moments. Francesca loved the security this gave her. Her consent for this power exchange had been given years ago and she had no intention of rescinding it any time soon.

But the joke about the running must have got him thinking, because later that day he said to her, “Pet, how would you feel about an actual race, where you’d get to really show me how fast you can run?”

“A race?” she asked, surprised that Master would suggest this.

Yes, he was an active man only in his forties, but lifting weights in the gym was more his thing, rather than running, especially racing.

“Okay, maybe not so much of a race,” he conceded. “Think of it more as a…hunt.”

And this is how the idea started to grow into what would, on this day almost three years later, become reality.

Francesca skipped breakfast, settling instead for just a strong coffee, then another. She’d need the energy, although the hunt wasn’t until late afternoon, when the shadows would start to grow longer in the forest and help her to conceal her tracks.

She also skipped lunch, instead spending an hour in the bath, trying to relax her muscles which felt tight and slightly sore from nervous tension.

She didn’t know any details about the hunt — where the wood was or who it belonged to, how many men would be involved or what equipment they might have at their disposal. She only knew one thing for sure, she was the prey.

And as for what would happen to the prey if caught, well — she could guess that much.

For days she had debated what to wear, as she wanted clothes that wouldn’t get in the way but would protect her from brambles and stinging nettles. She settled on a hoodie, a pair of leggings — tracksuit bottoms felt too cumbersome, heavy around her legs — and a pair of old trainers that were well worn in.

By 3pm, she felt almost sick with nerves.

By 4pm, she couldn’t wait any more. She rang Master.

“Are you on your way over?’” she asked. “I’m going out of my mind. Please hurry.”

He reassured her he’d be there very soon, and true to his word, he arrived within twenty minutes or so. As agreed, he handcuffed her — this was mostly just for effect, as she wasn’t exactly going to run anywhere, or not until she reached the woods anyway — and put a blindfold on her which would prevent her from knowing the way to the forest.

She’d tried to argue against this. “You know how awful my sense of direction is,” she said to him, “I wouldn’t remember the way even if there were signs every 50 meters.”

But he didn’t relent. “It’s better this way,” he said mysteriously, although Francesca suspected this may have been also more for effect than any real, practical reason.

When they got to the wood and he helped her to get out of the car, the sounds of nature all around her felt soothing and suddenly all her nervous energy turned into a strange kind of calm. Master removed the blindfold and the handcuffs, and she rubbed her wrists which had red marks on them. She showed them to him.

“I hope you’re not too worried about those,” he said, laughing, “or you’ll really have trouble with what might happen to you later.”

She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Sir,’” she said, ‘for making this fantasy of mine come true. I’d love to know how you managed to organise something this elaborate. At least, it seems to me like it’ll be quite elaborate.”

“Don’t even ask,” he said with a mock expression of someone who’d turned heaven and earth to please his lover.

Over the next fifteen minutes, Francesca settled into her environment while Master explained to her, once again, the rules. Her task was to get to the other end of what looked like just a natural forest but was in fact a fenced-off compound with gates at two ends. The starting point was diagonal from the gate, creating the longest distance for Francesca and the hunters to cover.

“When the flare goes up in the sky,” Master said to her, “run — run as far into the forest and as fast as you can. Because if the men catch you — well, if the men catch you, you know what will happen to you.”

There would be quite a few hunters, he told her, but he wouldn’t specify how many. The most he would reveal is that there were more than seven — the number of men who’d fucked her during her first ever CNC gangbang — but less than twenty. If she got to the gate, she was the winner of the game, and could demand whatever she wanted from the men, including Master. This could include, in no particular order, a lavish dinner, a weekend away, a new dress, a trip to her favourite city, a day at a spa, or any other pampering activity she could think of. More than anything, what she would receive would be the men’s unending respect for her superior athletic skills, in face of overwhelmingly bad odds.

However, any man, who caught her at any point during the hunt, had the right to do whatever he wanted with her, including any kind of sexual act, before releasing her to continue her attempt to escape. The more men caught her and fucked her, the more tired she would be for the remainder of the game, but that was part of the fun. And if a large group of them caught her, well — in that case, she may not get the chance to continue with the hunt at all, and most likely the group would use her until the rest of the men discovered their location, at which point they’d probably all join in, in what would turn into an all-night event.

The thought of the high stakes made Francesca’s skin break into goose bumps. Could she do this, could she evade them? As she thought about escaping, she felt an enormous surge of pride — she’d show these amateurs what true fitness looks like. She was agile and light on her feet, slim and full of stealth. She was sure that in the forest there would be plenty of ways she could hide from the men, in between sprinting towards the exit.

But when she thought about the escape, a part of her also felt like she might miss an opportunity to have the most exciting sex of her life.

Well, it sounded like she couldn’t really lose — either way, it was going to be an incredible day and night she’d remember forever.

As she listened to Master’s final instructions, she felt something inside her tell her that she needed nothing else — she was ready.

“Let’s do it,’” she said, smiling at her lover. “Let’s start the hunt.”

(to be continued)



Angel Sub 034
Wylde Erotic Cravings

Hi, I'm Angel. I write literary BDSM erotica for readers who love a great story. Please join me if you want to add some spice to your reading life.