Titty Fucked By Satan

Ruan Willow
Wylde Erotic Cravings
16 min readApr 25, 2023



Dedicated to Louis who requested this story.

He woke in a beautiful bed, complete with white linen flowing drapes strung along the top ornate black frame. Fluffy plush pillows supported his body at every protrusion and cranny. He was waking full of amazement, legit as if he were on a cloud with the exact perfect and right air temperature, the perfect amount of light, and dreamy feelings of perfection all around him.

He glanced down at his body because it was somehow foreign. His fat was all gone and what he saw were deliciously toned perfect abs. He ran his fingers along the bumps and valleys, savoring all the firmness and promise of strength their presence surmised. He grinned deeply. He had wished for abs his entire life and now he’d been given a mysterious, but very welcome, gift. He was hot!

He fondled himself in all his new sexiness as he glanced around the room. The top was open to the beautiful blue sky and the walls were white but more like clouds than solid structures. A light breeze caressed him and he sighed savoring all the good feels.

A woman wearing only a black silk robe and black high heels strode into the room. Her blond curls jiggled as she walked, but her tits jiggled more. Louis liked this. A lot.

He watched as her breasts boomed, their pendulous weight chugging behind the silky…



Ruan Willow
Wylde Erotic Cravings

Ruan Willow is an erotica author, sexuality/erotica podcaster at Oh F*ck Yeah with Ruan Willow, & a voiceover narrator. https://linktr.ee/RuanWillow