How To Work Less And Earn More?

Siddhesh Lokare
Wylo Lifestyle
Published in
4 min readSep 17, 2020

Basking on the beach with a tender coconut in my hand with the Sun dying to stay alive, Ding!

The message says:

“Your account is credited by $10,000.”

I look at it casually and get back to my business of not doing any business.

Hold on. Isn’t this the life we all crave?

It is that life where we do not have to keep slogging our ass off from 9 AM to 5 PM every damn day. So we can relish that one rewarding exotic outdoor trip in a whole freaking year.

First of all, we have to understand the fact that it is just not the entrepreneurs or the celebrities that can achieve this feat of a life that has financial independence and liberty. The hardly known truth is that a commoner like you and I are equally capable of reaching this state. Let us see how we go about it.

We often see it as if there is a direct relation between the amount of hard work and the output that is wealth, which itself is oblivious to a point. But there is no obvious relation if you think deeply about it.

You work for 10 hours for the salary of $1000, and then sometimes you stretch that limit to 12 hours only to create a solid impression for the same amount of money. It is where the concept of working smart comes into the picture.

The process of smart work majorly depends on your power of negotiation and streamlining. Negotiation refers to how good you are at convincing your boss that you will complete your work before the deadline, without specifying the method to be applied. Whereas, streamlining is all about how you meet your targets by not running behind all prospects. But by focusing on a few significant clients that contribute to most of your return on investment.

Since we are talking about work effectiveness, it is better to know Parkinson’s law at this point. It states,

“Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.

It means if you spend three weeks for a task that requires 3 hours, then you are simply enhancing the complexity of the work that eats away your precious schedule. You are losing out on the time that you could have utilized for something like investing in the stock market. Do you realize how we can incorporate time with monetary returns using this law?

You might have noticed that we tend to write assignments in an ultra-speed on the night before the deadline. The feeling of urgency activates our senses and makes us think sharper and wittier. Using this method by identifying deadlines with proper scheduling can save our draining days. And then all you have to do is utilize those hours for something that makes you happy and satisfied. Those are real, tangible returns.

Next on our list is automation. Being able to automate your job is something that you should never ignore. Outsourcing your work and doing research to find technologies will help in narrowing down things for you. If you cannot spend hours filling a spreadsheet then ask someone good at it. You can always offer them to take out for lunch in return. It saves your strength for doing other things. Like sell products on Shopify, design print on demand T-shirts on Teespring, or work on a business idea for financial & personal growth, or even do affiliate marketing for that matter. For someone who is a social media content creator can apply the magic of automation by scheduling all the weekly posts in one day. He/she can find hundreds of online tools for doing so. Everything that I talked about is just a tiny subset of what we can achieve with the help of automation.

So the next time when you feel like basking on the beach with a tender coconut in my hand with the Sun dying to stay alive, ding! Act smart and invest your time in research & planning.

I am sure you may get overwhelmed by how hard your peers are working but always remember not to overestimate your competitors and underestimate yourself for any bloody reason.

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