How Data Visualization Unlocks Storytelling Capabilities

Wyn Enterprise
Published in
4 min readAug 31, 2023

Data visualization is software that helps a data user collect data into one place and make it visible.

It is key for data visualization tools to make data accessible. Solid data visualization tools allow you to build a dashboard and track team progress from it. The important point is for data to be easy to see and use.

However, an accessible platform to see data is only part of what makes data visualization so powerful. Data storytelling comes in when this accessible data gives us a path we can follow to start a story arc.

What Is Data Visualization?

The term “data visualization” refers to representing data with graphics. Because humans interact well with pictures and colors, data visualization makes complex data much easier for people to engage with. Data visualization simplifies complex data for easy understanding.

Why Data Visualization Matters

Data visualization empowers data familiarity, Harvard Data Science Review explained. Familiarity is important for data investigators to understand data patterns. Data visualization matters when a data user or a company is preparing data for a final client.

How Data Visualization Unlocks Storytelling

As with any good movie, powerful visuals set the scene for an awesome story. Data visualization unlocks the power of data storytelling by setting up key visual elements or “scenes” that serve as the structure of a powerful narrative.

Story Structure and Data Visualization

Data storytelling may not have random dragons or heroes in capes, but it follows a structure like the story arc uses. There’s a beginning, or the point where data sourcing began. Then there’s a middle or the point where the data user reviews the data that was collected. Last, there will be an end, or a conclusion, the data came to.

How To Tell a Story With Data Visualization

Seek the narrative “hook” or interesting components of the data that make for a good story. From here, you will begin to form a narrative, also called a storyline, that uses verbal or written narrative to structure the flow of the data, Harvard Business School explained.

Structure is Key

It’s important to note that the structure of the data narrative is the most important element. The structure of the data outweighs words and visuals. Just as a good movie has a screenplay, it’s important to create a strong structure for your data narrative. Then, you can add the data visuals or the “scenes,” the Effective Data Storytelling project explained.

Know Your Audience

Certain components of data may mean more to one industry than to another. When composing a data narrative, it’s important to recognize the final audience’s needs.

Who Benefits From Data Storytelling?

Businesses process mass amounts of data in today’s marketplace. Visualization empowers teams to use this large data stream efficiently.

Data storytelling is key in helping an intended audience understand the data’s meaning. As data builds context and meaning, the data audience becomes better equipped to use the data to form empowered decisions.

While any team can use data visualization to streamline processes, some teams process large data loads than others. For example, Software as a Service (SaaS) companies process massive data loads.

Getting Started With Business Intelligence

It’s easy and quick to implement the power tools of data storytelling. However, the challenge is finding the tool that is right for your team.

Choose the Right Tools

Data storytelling is driven by using the right tools to form optimized metrics that can make data actionable. With the right tools, the data collector can showcase the source of the data and why this data is integral to understanding the whole narrative arc of the data story.

Implement Visuals With Purpose

Selecting visualizations with purpose is important to deliver a powerful data storytelling arc for your team and clients.

Edit For Concise Structure

Once you have a purposeful narrative, it’s time to edit and hone all the narrative to ensure that the story structure is concise and flows to targeted outcomes. Again, consider a good movie. The director of a big movie project will film more scenes than are needed for the final version film and then cut those scenes down to those that make the film plot flow concisely.

Why Use Wyn Enterprise

Choosing a tool is one of the most difficult steps. Wyn can make that decision process painless for a team that needs completely comprehensive tools.

Unlock The Story of Your Data

Not all data tools are created equal. Wyn Enterprise prioritizes the power of data storytelling by helping you streamline your visuals and unlock the narrative behind the data visuals.

Rapid Results

Wyn Enterprise takes this convenience a step further by allowing teams to build business intelligence platforms in just minutes. With Wyn, a team can go deep with a 15-day evaluation, without the hassle of downloading bulky software.

No Data Limitations

Because Wyn Enterprises doesn’t place limitations on data, or and there are no per user fees, the system allows user teams to save money on business intelligence services.

No data limits let the business intelligence user build high impact data driven stories without the concerns created by budgets. This promises both a fast and high-yielding return on investment.

You can try Wyn for free. Schedule a 15-day evaluation to get started with Wyn Enterprises. In just minutes, you can begin building dashboards and telling powerful stories with data.



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