Wyndblast Integrates Chainlink VRF and Chainlink Keepers to Help Power Coin Flip Mini-Game

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5 min readAug 4, 2022
WyndBlast X Chainlink

We’re excited to announce that Wyndblast — a cooperative multiplayer game where players can breed Wynds (dragons), recruit Riders, forge equipment, fight enemies (PVE), and compete with one another (PVP) — has integrated Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) on Avalanche mainnet. By integrating the industry-leading decentralized oracle network, we now have access to a tamper-proof and auditable source of randomness needed to generate a random number as the result of a new coin flip mini-game within Wyndblast. To determine if it’s a winning or a losing flip based on the coin side that a user bet on when they initiated the flip, our smart contract uses the random number received from Chainlink VRF. Ultimately this creates a more exciting and transparent user experience, as users can put their luck to the test without worrying about the randomness used in the game being rigged by any malicious actors.

We are also integrating Chainlink Keepers for reward distribution. Chainlink Keepers allow smart contracts to outsource regular maintenance tasks in a trust-minimized and decentralized manner. By doing so, we are making the reward distribution more cost-efficient.

Coin Flip is a mini-game in Wyndblast where players can wager on the result of a coin flip, as its name suggests. It is a way to utilize the native CHRO token of Wyndblast in a simple game of chance. Players can bet on the result, whether it’s heads or tails, and decide how much CHRO they want to bet. If they get it right, they’ll receive twice the amount of their bet. Otherwise, they’ll lose the CHRO that they’ve wagered.

Securing Randomly Selected Coin Flip Winners With Chainlink VRF

In order to ensure fairness and randomness of Coin Flip, we need access to a secure random number generator (RNG) that any user could independently audit. However, RNG solutions for smart contracts require several security considerations to prevent manipulation and ensure system integrity. For instance, RNG solutions derived from blockchain data like block hashes can be exploited by miners/validators, while off-chain RNG solutions derived from off-chain APIs are opaque and don’t provide users with definitive proof about the integrity of the process.

After reviewing various solutions, we selected Chainlink VRF because it’s based on cutting-edge academic research, supported by a time-tested oracle network, and secured through the generation and on-chain verification of cryptographic proofs that prove the integrity of each random number supplied to smart contracts.

Chainlink VRF works by combining block data that is still unknown when the request is made with the oracle node’s pre-committed private key to generate both a random number and a cryptographic proof. The Wyndblast smart contract will only accept the random number input if it has a valid cryptographic proof, and the cryptographic proof can only be generated if the VRF process is tamper-proof. This provides our users with automated and verifiable assurances directly on-chain that Coin Flip is provably fair and was not tampered with by the oracle, outside entities, or the Wyndblast team.

Automating the Distribution of Coin Flip Rewards With Chainlink Keepers
When a user wins a Coin Flip, the reward distribution function is automatically initiated using Chainlink Keepers. We decided to use Chainlink Keepers to decentralize the reward distribution function because it is operated by the same pool of time-tested, provably reliable node operators that currently help secure tens of billions of dollars in DeFi, even during record levels of network congestion and extreme volatility. The proven infrastructure of Chainlink helps ensure that every reward allocation is executed on-time in a trust-minimized manner, giving users additional guarantees that it will function exactly as intended.

Chainlink Keepers are a decentralized service purpose-built to manage tasks on behalf of smart contracts. Chainlink Keepers serve as a decentralized, hyper-reliable, and economically incentivized automation bot that wakes up smart contracts when they need to perform critical on-chain functions, which usually take place at regular time intervals (e.g., every day at the same time) or based on external events (e.g., when an asset hits a specific price).

Some of the notable features of Chainlink Keepers include:

  • High Uptime — Chainlink Keepers are run by the same professional DevOps teams that have an established on-chain performance history of providing high reliability to Chainlink Price Feeds during extreme network congestion and market volatility.
  • Low Costs — Chainlink Keepers have several gas-optimizing features that lower the costs of automating maintenance tasks for users, including a rotating node selection process to prevent gas price auction wars aiding in stabilizing network costs.
  • Decentralized Execution — Chainlink leverages a decentralized and transparent pool of Keepers to help provide strong guarantees around secure contract automation, saving teams time and mitigating the risks around manual interventions or centralized servers.
  • Expandable Computation — Chainlink Keepers perform off-chain computations and other functions such as generation of verifiable calldata for smart contracts, allowing developers to build advanced, trust-minimized dApps at lower costs.

“We’re excited to be using Chainlink VRF and Chainlink Keepers to help power our new Coin Flip game. By integrating the industry-leading oracle network, we can increase the security and transparency of our game.” — the Wyndblast Team.

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry standard for building, accessing, and selling oracle services needed to power hybrid smart contracts on any blockchain. Chainlink oracle networks provide smart contracts with a way to reliably connect to any external API and leverage secure off-chain computations for enabling feature-rich applications. Chainlink currently secures tens of billions of dollars across DeFi, insurance, gaming, and other major industries, and offers global enterprises and leading data providers a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting chain.link or reading the developer documentation at docs.chain.link. To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert.

About Wyndblast

Wyndblast is a play and earn multiplayer cooperative game built on the Avalanche blockchain. The game takes place in the Chronica Sola Verse, a mystical land where players can take control of Wynds (dragons), recruit Riders, forge equipment, fight enemies (PVE) and compete with one another (PVP).

The Wynds, Riders, and the equipment, are NFT assets owned by players. We have positioned the Chronica Sola Verse as an ever-growing metaverse that allows new games, expansions and projects to be built side by side with each other. Each new game will utilize the same NFT assets and native CHRO token — with Wyndblast being the first game to launch.




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