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Snow Maidens Feedback

AI Critiques My Short Story Part 1

Peter Wynn
Published in
4 min readApr 13, 2023


So I finished my first AI prompted short story called Snow Maidens and sent it to ChatGPT to see what kind of feedback I would get.

First, I asked if the AI recalled our conversation from two weeks ago.

It had been a while since I spoke with it and started the experiment. I wondered if it needed a refresher, but it seems like it doesn’t as long as you continue the conversation in the same chat box.

Next, I asked ChatGPT if it could provide me with feedback and what could be improved in my short story:

What’s strange about this is that Chat almost contradicts itself. When I asked for feedback it gave me nothing but positive comments saying I did an “excellent job developing the characters and setting,” but once I asked what could be improved, it said to clarify the setting and develop the characters more.

What’s funny is it almost seems like it was just being nice, but it did specify that it was a good job based on a short amount of time. So, both could be true, that there are some great elements in this short story, but there’s always room for improvement.

I actually appreciate the feedback such as getting a better sense of who the main character is because that is something I can keep in mind for the next short story.

Then, I asked it to give me a list of pros and cons:

Although, I technically already have an idea of what worked and what didn’t in the previous question, I wanted to see what other critiques it would give me.

What stood out the most was the feedback it had about the pacing and the abrupt ending. What’s interesting is I felt like there was a lot more I wanted to reveal and unpack in Snow Maidens. As I was writing it, it naturally became longer and longer but I told myself that it had to be released to the world in two weeks whether or not it was finished.

It’s nice to know that the unanswered questions it had were things I already wanted to expand on so I can always come back to this story in the future.

Before getting the next prompt, I asked what I should keep in mind moving forward to improve my writing:

Looking at Snow Maidens, I can definitely see how it could benefit from these tips. It’s difficult to try to hit every category when I’m only giving myself 2 weeks and trying to keep each story around 2000 words or about 10 minutes. But, I welcome the challenge.

The point of this project is to get into the habit of writing and finishing a story, to learn how to move on knowing that my previous work could be better. My biggest issue is perfection, and I know that it gets in the way of my craft.

What’s really nice about Chat is that I will always have someone available to look at my work. I don’t mind the critiques it has and I take it all constructively. As someone who wants to be a writer who doesn’t have a ton of friends that read, edit, or write, this is a great alternative. This AI has been very insightful and has already helped me look at my writing with a new pair of eyes.

With that being said, onto the next!

Prompt 2:

In a world where humans and magical creatures coexist, a young woman discovers that she has the ability to communicate with a dangerous creature that no one else can understand. But when the creature’s true intentions are revealed, she must decide whether to help it achieve its goal or risk everything to stop it.

I will post the link to the next story down below:



Peter Wynn

Born and raised in California, medical technical writer, and author of Penny the Red Panda