The Evolution of wysker

Klaus Bender
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2018


wysker is more than shopping. It is a revolution. It turns the common online retail and advertising data model on its head — by using blockchain technology to secure and “pay” users for their data. It is inspiration and shopping platform at once. It offers a unique way to “speed browse” unique, careful and thoughtfully curated products in a variety of categories.

All those ideas put wysker in the spotlight — at a speed we didn’t expect. For us, it feels a bit like browsing products with the wysker app. There is always a pleasant surprise around the corner. Getting awarded at the prestigious Netexplo and UNESCO Innovation Award 2018 for example. Or reaching the semi-finals at the equally important 2018 Slush Tokyo conference. Another symptom: the web is turning magenta and violet. A simple image search for wysker turns screens mauve. wysker is present, and wysker is everywhere.

Now cynics may probably point out that the marketing & communications department does an excellent job here. Hard work and a great branding strategy: and voìla! But that is only a part of the truth. wysker’s branding strategy is more than just a marketing idea. It is an entire belief system. Our app and our marketing are just tools to make these beliefs a reality. Every single wysker image on the Google search marks a milestone for us. Every mauve picture has meaning. Because it marks us getting one step closer to turning beliefs into facts.

Google image search results for “wysker”

Every pixel signals that the blood, sweat and tears, the ups and downs, the hard work, the years, months, weeks, days, hours were worth it. To use the web turning mauve means progress.

But progress to where? We would be dishonest if we’d claim, we don’t want economic success. Yes, financial success is important to us. But even more important is to establish the idea of a one-to-one data trade between retailers and advertisers on one side and users on the other. Carrying even more weight is the fact that we get closer to handing back the control of data to the users.

In the wake of the EU law, we see many data giants claiming the same. But none are as radical and revolutionary as wysker. Full data rights for our users is ingrained in to our DNA. And not because law requires it — but because it is our very business model. With every step in our evolution, we aim to get closer to this goal. Full data control, full data rights and fair participation in [renumeration of] data profits for our users.

But where are we today? We are working on wysker 2.0. We will implement new features that mark further milestones: Training sessions for your wysker, customization features and a re-invented notification center are just a few of the new features. But it is not only the wysker app that keeps evolving. Our branding continually grows with it. Even our logo took a step to the next level.

The wysker logo evolution — from idea to launch

We are conscious that we have been relatively silent on medium. The truth is: our dedicated team worked day and night on making the wysker vision real. And blogging simply took a back seat. To our readers, investors, and users we want to say: “We are sorry!”. But then we know — you understand. At the end of the day we are working for you, our users, our investors and our big vision.

