Builder’s Program

Paul Bugnot
4 min readMar 12, 2021


Dear X-Cash community,

Today, we are glad to officially starts the builder’s program initiative. We have tried and iterated for a while, and are now happy with the workflow we have found to enable you to help the project and participate in its development.

What is the builder’s program?

The Builder’s program is an initiative to enable a community member to either:

  • Apply to a community funded project and help to develop a necessary tool for the X-Cash Foundation, while being retributed for the task (that we call RFC — Request For Contributions)
  • Propose a project that you want to do or looking for a community member to do, and looking to get funding for (an RFF — Request For Funding).

With the contributor program, we will use the community funds to help and promote these projects and participate in their funding.

How does it work?

You have an idea of a project that you know will help the project? You can easily propose a project in the Builder’s Program repository:

To propose a new project, go to Issues and create a new issue.

Then, chose to create the issue using the BP Proposition template.

Give it a title and, and follow the template to describe the project scope.

Please be aware that we will not review incomplete or rushed propositions.

Request For Contribution (RFC): You have a project in mind but looking for a contributor to do it. You are ready to participate in the funding.

Request For Funding (RFF): You have a project in mind and want to do it. You are asking for funding from the community fund or the community.

Describe the project in details, and why you believe it is needed for the X-Cash project.

Explain the necessary skills needed to successfully complete this task. If you plan to undertake the project you are proposing, you will be expected to give references on why/how you can successfully complete it.

Milestones / Deliverables
Explain the different steps of the project and the expected timeline. As much as possible, please describe intermediary steps and the list of deliverables. It will help us decide together what we expect as a finished product.

Additional information / Budgeting
Talk about the expected difficulties that you might encounter, as well as budgeting and a detailed description of the different expenses to support your application.

You can either use XCASH or USD, but the USD/XCASH rate will be taken at the beginning of the project.

Example: Successfully completed and paid to Snakewaypasser, the Android wallet program was the first project to help us iterate on the Builder’s program. You can use it as an example of what we are expecting for a complete BP project proposal:

Where to see the projects?

The BP project proposals will be listed on the Builder’s Program repository and on the website under the contribute section.

Open, ongoing and finished builder’s project will appear on the website.
Make sure to 👁‍🗨 Watch and to ⭐Star the repository to not miss any new project!

When to start?

You can start right now! We have been listening, and we know that there are a lot of ideas floating about and that people want to participate in the project but didn’t have the right framework to do so. So if you have a project or an idea that you believe would serve the X-Cash ecosystem, do not hesitate to propose for our review!

We will soon post our own community funded project, so keep an eye out! 👀

Once again, we want to thank everyone for their unwavering support. Let’s build the next technological revolution together 💪

