Testnet V2 — Test 1 Server Setup

Zach Hildreth
3 min readDec 21, 2022


Dear Community, We are taking the time to write today, to explain how to setup a server for the testnet V2.

The process is almost the same as the mainnet, and you will be able to follow the mainnet tutorials to setup this server, however this article will tell you during the tutorials what to do differently.

Server Setup

First you will need to follow this tutorial


their are no changes to this, although their is a note. You will need certain ports open on the server. Their is a firewall included that opens these ports, however some server companies force you to declare open ports on their GUI on their dashpanel as well. You can use an online tool to confirm after setup if your ports are open.

For mainnet you need the following ports open: 18280,18281,18283 (possibly 80 if running shared delegate)

For testnet you need the following ports open: 18280,18281,18283,18286 (possibly 80 if running shared delegate)

What is 18286? this is another empty wallet for turbo tx queries that gets generated when you install. The key is never shown to you at the final summary page, as your not suppose to ever use this wallet. Please do not send xcash to that wallet on port 18286 as its open to the internet. The purpose of this wallet is to expose the xcash-rpc-wallet commands for each delegate to the internet (the non safety concerning ones) this way the merchant tool for turbo tx can query and verify quick tx.

Install The Node

Next you will need to follow this tutorial


Here are the changes:


for this part use this command instead of the one given

source <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-dpops/remote-data/scripts/autoinstaller/autoinstaller.sh) && sudo systemctl stop xcash-dpops

Set The Start Time

Now its time to set the start time. If your started the testnet with us at launch date, you will be familiar with this process.

#1 Change the start time and date (5PM Paris time, January 16, 2023)

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service && sudo systemctl daemon-reload

On the line:

ExecStart=~/xcash-official/xcash-dpops/build/xcash-dpops --block-verifiers-secret-key <BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY>

add the flag -- start-time 123 0 16 15 56 at the end of the line.

The line should look like :

ExecStart=~/xcash-official/xcash-dpops/build/xcash-dpops --block-verifiers-secret-key <BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY> --start-time 123 0 16 15 56

#3 Restart DPOPS

sudo systemctl restart xcash-dpops && journalctl --unit=xcash-dpops -n 100 --follow --output cat

Register Delegate

Next you will need to follow this tutorial


There are no changes

Voting and Conclusion

Note if your going to vote and following https://docs.xcash.foundation/dpops/vote-and-staking make sure you use the old mainnet syntax of voting (without the extra amount|all parameter) as its not implemented until we start the testnet minting process

Once you setup the server just view the logs (journalctl --unit=xcash-dpops -n 100 --follow --output cat) to make sure it says “Waiting for the specific start time”, and wait for the testnet to start. We look forward to testing the various features of the testnet V2 with the community.

