X-Cash project update: DPOPS, new website, and future plans.

Paul Bugnot
5 min readOct 23, 2020


Dear community,

today, we think that it’s necessary to take the time and take a step back to write about the latest development in the X-Cash ecosystem.

We would like to preface this article by addressing some concerns that arose from recent discussions within the community. Some members of the community have pointed out that it seems that most of X-Cash development is focused on DPOPS at the moment, and because it’s taking longer than planned it feels like the rest of the project is at a stop.

While this is true to some extent, we are moving forward in the background on several other projects that are not directly related to the state of the DPOPS development, albeit linked to its release. As you might know, we prefer not to make much noise about unfinished products.

With this in mind, we would like to write today about the progress that has been made to the DPOPS, talk about the new X-Cash website and what it means for the projects, and drop some hints about a project we have been thinking about since the birth of X-Cash.

DPOPS Beta update

At the time we are writing the article, the 10th beta run has just concluded, and we are preparing for the 11th with a series of updates and fine-tuning. Although those tests are taking a long time, we would like to point out that they are mandatory, as once we switch to main net there is no coming back. The DPOPS needs to be thoroughly tested, and with the unwavering help of our beta-testers, we are getting much quicker at pointing out issues.

Nearly 1600 commits, 10 contributors, 30 closed issues and pull requests. The contributors help is getting more representative every day.

Since the start of the beta, there has been many software relaibility, quality of life, and compatibility improvments. The auto-installer has been revamped and made easier to use, the delegate explorer’s design has been drastically improved, LXC containers support have been fixed, and much more.

As Zach pointed out, we are in the lastest test runs before mainnet. Once the beta has been running for a satisfying amount of time, with a stable uptime for all beta delegates, we will start the transition to the mainnet.

The new X-Cash Website

The current X-Cash website hasn’t been updated for a while now, and it is mostly due to gathering most of the community activity on our Discord server. As the project is moving forward, we are well aware our current website is lacking updates and crucial elements to help newcomers and new investors into the project.

We have decided to reconstruct the website entirely, and bring some much needed features to help newcomers into the project.

Please be minded that every screenshot presented below is of a work in progress, and will change as we are closer to release.

The new website will have:

  • A “Get Started” guide for newcomers of the projects. This place will provide a step by step guide to get introduced to the project, and find all necessary information for new joiners.
  • A “Developer Hub” for contributors and people who want to build on X-Cash.
  • All the necessary link, list of exchanges, documentation, and a newly hosted blog directly on the website.
  • Instructions to become a delegate, how to vote and stake your XCASH, and a view into the delegates ecosystem.
  • Accessing every ways to securely store your XCASH.
  • The contributor program will be hosted on the website. We will list all open contribution’s projects directly on the website for contributors to come and check if they can participate and earn a reward.
The technical roadmap of X-Cash.

Updating the website is important. When the DPOPS mainnet rolls in, we want new joiners to gain as much information as possible on the website, and go further by joining the discussion on Discord with the already well active community.

The new website will be the showcase of the project, and while we believe that the current website is satisfactory, we can do much more to ease the integration of new people into the project.

We would like to release the website before the mainnet of the DPOPS, but there is still much to write and to design. Do not hesitate to post feedback or ideas in Discord!

Codename: Viaduc

We don’t want to announce anything before its at least in a prototype stage, but we still want to address what is brewing in the background. I will give some bullet points of information I can safely share at this stage:

  • This project is heavely tied to the X-Bank;
  • It will help with X-Cash’s interoperability with other protocols;
  • It was designed a long time ago to help X-Cash listing on exchanges, but the current timing has pushed it up in the list.

It is still too early to tell you more about it, but we are waiting impatiently to present you the Viaduc Project in a longer article. In the meantime, put on your tinfoil hats and speculate on what it could be. 🔎

Closing words

Since the beginning of the DPOPS beta, we have seen a lot of involvement from the community, and we couldn’t be more happy from the direction the project is taking. We have seen people trying to engage deep discussion on Discord, forwarding news on Twitter and trying to bring new people in by posting engaging comments, etc… Theses past few months, the number of contributors on the DPOPS repository has skyrocketed, and participants have brought valuable if not gamechanging updates to the software.

We recognize these contributors as an integral part of the project, and we will enforce ourselves to incentives more projects with the contributor program. As discussed with some of you already, we will also reward projects and contributions retrospectively to keep it fair for early helpers.

There are still a lot to come before the end of this year, so let’s build together 💪

The X-Network Team & X-Cash Foundation.

