Knock x2, Are you Home?

XPD: S01P09 | Checkpoint 3

X Posed Ducks
3 min readOct 15, 2019


How many times have you come back home from a tiring workday, only to see your house is still a mess? The stack of old newspapers on the table, hanging clothes, and stains of spilled juice on the couch, do add up to the stress.

I never used to feel good when my friends come over. Though they never mind and sometimes even offer to give a hand I was insecure that my home isn’t good enough, isn’t organized enough, isn’t pretty enough.

What are they doing that I’m not? Most importantly, where do they get the time to clean everything all the time?

A PLACE for Everything & EVERYTHING in its Place

The title says it all! Anything that lives in your home, needs a space of its own. Allot a specific place for those newspapers. Assign space for those clothes, the TV remote, Bike Keys, your stationary, your broomstick, for literally everything in your house! This not only helps you segregate areas while cleaning but also saves a lot of time because you know exactly where everything is. No more searching for the keys every morning. Once you’re done allocating spaces, make sure you return things to their places after use. Follow this for 21 days. Being organized is not a skill, its a habit.

The Quarterly Check Rule

This is the most important part of maintenance in the long run. The Quarterly Check makes sure there are no dead objects in your house. It helps reduce clutter and makes you mindful of your shopping spree.

The simple rule is that:

"Anything used less than thrice in 3 months goes out."

The unused printer that's been sitting for a year goes out first. (no offense dad) The beautiful brooch that you bought for new year’s that you're not using anymore because it is not in trend anymore? Out!

MyLil’Bro: Hey, I have these books, which…

Me: Nope! Not going out. (Nice try!)

You needn’t literally throw them out either. Most of the things can be posted for sale online, given away to someone who needs them more or most of the time recycled. Doesn’t it feel good to convert some dead objects into something new? or even better, into cash?

Check out Gary Vaynerchuk’s post, where he shows you how to flip those!

I’ve been following these two simple, but effective methods to keep things organized and its been working out great for me! I’m not gonna lie, it was hard at first, now it is as easy as breathing. Plus, I freed up precious time for my hobbies.

Try them out, and let me know your experience!



X Posed Ducks

I’m an Architect, Programmer and a DIY aficionado, on a mission to automate boring tasks in the AEC industry.