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XPD: S01P01 | Pilot

X Posed Ducks
2 min readJul 21, 2019


Hi, I’m Kaushik. I’m an Architect (No, not a software Architect, the dictionary definition of architect: Master Carpenter/ Designer of Buildings/ Your friend (or relative) who won’t design your home for free... rings a bell?)

The(not-so)goodClient: What is this? Another one of your over budgeted ideas to waste my time?

Architect: Let me tell you a fun fact. What you’re reading I believe, is the first post of my blog series.

If you are an Architect/ Designer/ Into the building industry (even if you're a buyer), this blog is especially for you!

If you aren’t one of them or you’re just passing by; thats cool! As long as you aren’t living in a cave, this blog is also for you!

CaveBuilder3: I’m not interested in reading your dumb blog anyway, especially with that lame pun in the title!

Thats okay too! You belong to the 1% of people who live in a cave (and have access to smart phone and network), you can re-direct by clicking here!

I’ll keep the posts non-technical for the 80% majority. But, do bear with me when I lean to the other side and get all serious with jargons like juxtaposition and articulation.

With that, I’m signing off. Goodbye!

Read the latest post here



X Posed Ducks

I’m an Architect, Programmer and a DIY aficionado, on a mission to automate boring tasks in the AEC industry.