Submit Your Article

A quick guide on how to submit your articles to X Things

Marvin Wendt
X Things
Oct 12, 2023


Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

Ask To Be Added as a Writer

First of all, if you’re not already a Writer at X Things, we need to add you. Just comment on this article and we’ll invite you!

Submission Guidelines

Luckily, we don’t have strict requirements.

  • Your article must fit the schema of “X Things About…”

Also, there are some formal requirements:

  • The title must in Title Case
    (you can use with the default settings)
  • Your article must have a subtitle
  • Your article must have a thumbnail image
  • You should have a short introduction into the topic
    - this increases the SEO score of the article
  • You may have a conclusion at the end of the article
    - this also helps to boost your article, but it’s not needed

That’s it! Now you can submit your articles to X Things



Marvin Wendt
X Things

Hi! I founded multiple open source projects and I write about tech here on Medium! Expect articles about Go and useful tips for developers.