Dream Card V1 Update | 5 Elements Rework & Fiat Recharge

XWG Contributor
X World Games
3 min readJul 20, 2022


With this new game update, the power of the Dream Card elements is in your hands! Plus, easily recharge your fiat balance in Dream Card V1 with Razer Gold.

The five elements, Gold, Wood, Earth, Water and Fire, are receiving a major gameplay update in Dream Card V1!

Depending on the elemental matchup, your Dream Card NFTs will now deal more damage to your opponents during battle.

Read on to learn which elements are more effective against each other and which Dream Card skills will be affected. As well as a quick introduction to our new fiat recharge system with Razer Gold.

| The Elemental Advantage System

Dream Card heroes will now deal more damage to their opponents during a battle, depending on their elemental matchups.

When an elemental damage advantage is triggered, the weaker Dream Card’s element will begin to glow.

Elemental damage advantages are only triggered when a Dream Card has an elemental advantage against another Dream Card. The effect is stopped once either card is destroyed, and there is no longer an elemental advantage between the two cards.

| Type Matchups

The following are the elemental damage advantages. Elements listed first will deal MORE damage to cards listed second.

Dream Cards with an elemental advantage against their opponents will deal 15% more damage.

| Skill Examples

Please note that only basic attacks and Dream Card skills that deal damage will be affected by this update.

For example: damage-dealing skills like Critical Hit, Rush, and Toxic Shell will have their damage affected. But skills like Rebirth, Damage Seal, and Silence will not be affected.

| Dream Card V1 Fiat Recharge with Razer Gold

Dream Card V1 players can now top up their fiat currencies for their v1 accounts with Razer Gold!

Use a Mastercard, Visa, or Paypal account linked to your Razer Gold account to add more v1 currencies to your Dream Card account.

Earn Razor Silver on the side for each fiat top-up to trade in for exclusive Razor products.

Learn more here: https://gold.razer.com/

| Time to Rebuild Your Deck?

I’m sure many of you are already scrambling to rework your Dream Card decks already, so the X World Games team would like to wish you all the best of luck in your future battles!

Check out our new Evolution and Fusion mechanics to stay up to date on all the latest gameplay updates for our Dream Card games!

Be sure to balance your deck with the correct elements, as that 15% damage bonus could easily change the tide of battle in your favour… or against!

X World Games 💖is a unique blockchain-based game ecosystem that aims to make blockchain features simple and fun for non-crypto players to own their NFTs.


