Dream Card Fusion Update | LUCID Chests and SHARD

XWG Contributor
X World Games
4 min readJul 19, 2022


X World Games' new NFT card crafting mechanism is complete. Open LUCID chests, get Dream Card SHARDs, then craft your favourite Dream Card heroes!

X World Games | Dream Card Fusion Update

LUCID chests have arrived, and so has our brand new Dream Card Fusion! Wonder about how you'll be able to craft your favourite Dream Cards using our new token asset, SHARD, and how to obtain SHARD from our new LUCID chests? Follow our detailed how-to guide on the newest NFT card crafting mechanism on our Gitbook.

Dream Card Fusion — How-to: https://docs.xwg.games/gamefi-module/nfts/fusion/how-to-fusion

| LUCID Chests

LUCID chests are a new BEP-1155 asset that will allow players to collect Dream Card Hero SHARDs to craft their favourite Dream Cards.

LUCID chests can be purchased on the X Marketplace or be acquired during our Dream Card special events. Not all Dream Card heroes will be available as Hero SHARDs, so be sure to keep an eye out for who is and isn’t available in each chest period.

There will be three LUCID chest rarities available: Basic Chests, Magic Chests, and Super Chests.

Reward quality will depend on the chest's rarity, with higher rarity chests having higher quality rewards. Opening a LUCID chest will require $XWG tokens, LUCID Basic, and a BNB gas fee. Different quality chests will have different opening fees.

In an effort to support the Dream Card game economy, the LUCID Basic and $XWG tokens used in these openings will be regularly collected and burned!

| LUCID Chest Rewards

LUCID chests will contain a variety of NFT rewards. The types of NFT rewards that can be obtained will be the following:

  2. LUCID Super
  3. LUCID Magic
  4. Lottery Tickets


SHARDs will be the primary reward for opening LUCID chests. SHARDs will be BEP-1155 assets and stackable in a player's inventory.

There will also be 5 levels of rarity available for SHARDs, similar to the rarities for Dream Cards (Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Myth).

The number of obtainable SHARDs from opening LUCID chests will be random but within a predetermined range.


LUCID Super will only be obtainable from Super LUCID chests.


Like LUCID Super, LUCID Magic will only be obtainable from Magic LUCID chests.

LUCID Super and Magic are both assets used in Dream Card Fusion AND Dream Card Evolution.

LUCID Basic, Super and Magic!

Lottery Tickets

Lottery Tickets can be found in all LUCID chests, but they will have a higher drop rate in Basic chests than Magic and Super chests.

| How Do I Get LUCID Chests?

Apart from in-game events, LUCID Chests can be regularly purchased from the XWG Marketplace!

You can find the purchase page on the Marketplace tab at https://app.xwg.games/#/

Dream Card Fusion — How-to: https://docs.xwg.games/gamefi-module/nfts/fusion

| Dream Card Fusion and SHARDs

With the new Dream Card Fusion system, players can combine the Dream Card Hero SHARDs they have obtained to create Dream Cards.

Here is how the mechanism will work:

  1. Fusion can only occur using SHARDs of the same hero and rarity.
  2. After Fusion, one of the five Dream Card elements will be randomly assigned.
  3. Fusion is NOT guaranteed to reward players with a Dream Card. There is a chance that fusing SHARDs will fail.
  4. 10,000 LUCID Basic is needed for each Dream Card Fusion, regardless of rarity.

| That's All for Dream Card Fusion!

We hope you are as excited as the X World Games team is for this new Dream Card Fusion patch!

Read our Dream Card Evolution and Fusion guides and be sure to leave any feedback you may have for us on our community pages, as we are constantly striving to provide the best GameFi experience for our players!

X World Games 💖 is a unique blockchain-based game ecosystem that aims to make blockchain features simple and fun for non-crypto players to own their NFTs.

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