Dream Card Evolution Update | Out With the Old and In With the New

XWG Contributor
X World Games
4 min readJun 29, 2022


Upgrade cards from common rarity to myth rarity with Dream Card Evolution

Dream Card Evolution will help you evolve your Dream Cards to higher rarities!

Significant changes are coming to Dream Card V1 and V2 with the introduction of our new Dream Card “Evolution” system!

X World Games players will be able to evolve their Dream Cards to a higher quality by sacrificing a base amount of lower quality cards through Dream Card Evolution. With the right cards, you can obtain any rarity level through Evolution, even Myth!

Details and common questions about the mechanics of Dream Card Evolution are below, so be sure to read them carefully!

| What Cards can be used in Dream Card Evolution?

The cards used in Dream Card Evolution must have the same rarity; Dream Cards of different rarities can not be used in Dream Card Evolution.

If the cards used in Dream Card Evolution have the same name AND quality, the result will be a Dream Card of the same name but one tier higher in quality (up to Myth).

If the cards used do not have the same name, the result will be a random Dream Card but one tier higher in quality (up to Myth).

| How are Stats Determined in Dream Card Evolution?

The attributes(ATK, HP, Element, Skills) of the cards will depend on the names used in Dream Card Evolution.

If the names of the cards are the same, then the resulting card will be the same element as the originals. HP & ATK will increase one tier higher in quality. Skills will be randomized according to the resulting quality.

If the names of the cards are NOT the same, then all attributes will be randomized on the resulting card (according to the name of the Evolved card)

| What Items Will I Need to Evolve my Dream Cards?

From Common rarity to Epic rarity, players will only need a certain number of base cards of the lower quality, some $XWG and LUCID Basic, to evolve their cards. The following chart will show all the costs involved in Dream Card Evolution.

Dream Card Evolution will need Dream Cards, $XWG, and LUCID.

On top of LUCID Magic and LUCID Super, evolving Epic rarity cards to Legendary rarity and Legendary rarity cards to Myth rarity will require additional evolution items.

| Dream Card Evolution Item: Universal Shards

Universal Shards are only used if a player misses the number of base cards needed for Evolution.

Example: I have 4, common rarity Valentina cards, but I need 5 common rarity Valentina cards to evolve to a Rare rarity card. With enough common rarity Universal Shards, I can use the Shards in place of my missing 5th card to get my Rare Veltnina card!

Universal Shards will also have their rarity tiers that follow the Dream Card tiers (Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Myth).

An example image of what Universal Shards might look like in the Evolution update.

| How Will Dream Card Evolution Affect my Card’s Powerlevel (Hash Rate)?

If any of the cards used in Dream Card Evolution have an upgraded hash rate, then all additional hash rates will be added to the Evolved card.

| Now you’re caught up on Dream Card Evolution!

We love bringing the XWG community exciting new game updates, and we hope our Dream Card players enjoy this new mechanic! As always, we’d love to hear your feedback on this new system and how you think it will impact Dream Card V1 and V2 gameplay.

We can’t wait to see what fantastic new cards Dream Card players will get through Dream Card Evolution and how much more powerful your decks will become!

As always the XWG team is incredibly appreciative of your continued support and we look forward to bringing you more updates in June!

X World Games is a unique blockchain-based game ecosystem that aims to make blockchain features simple and fun for non-crypto players to own their NFTs.

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