Dream Card v1 | NEW World Boss Game Mode

You’ve never seen stronger enemies in Dream Card v1 than these World Bosses!

XWG Contributor
X World Games
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2022


Take on some of the strongest characters ever seen in the Dream Card v1 universe with the new World Boss mode!

World Bosses will take more than just one battle to defeat. Gather your toughest Dream Cards and start strategizing with other players on how you can work together to defeat each season’s World Boss.

Awesome rewards await those who assist in defeating a World Boss, with those dealing more damage earning more rewards!

We need YOU to help in the fight against the new World Bosses! If you’re ready, read on to learn more about this new game mode.

| Season Progression

World Boss seasons will run for two weeks, one week for the Preparation and Battle Phase and one week for the rest period.

Each season will have three phases: Preparation Phase, Battle Phase and Settlement Phase.

Preparation Phase

  • During the preparation phase, players can collect rewards obtained from previous World Boss seasons. They can also preview who the Boss of the current season will be and adjust their World Boss deck accordingly.

Battle Phase

  • Players can challenge the current World Boss until the World Boss loses all their health or until the settlement phase begins.

Settlement Phase

  • Players can receive rewards earned during the current season.

Entry Requirements & Number of Battles

  • Each World Boss deck must have a deck power of greater than 4000. The cards that make up the deck must also be of rare or higher quality.
  • Each player can participate in the World Boss mode three times a day. The first attempt is always free but the next two attempts will require payment. Entries reset at 0:00 UTC every day

| Gameplay

When entering a World Boss battle, one of the following four conditions must be met before a battle ends.

  1. All Boss cards are defeated.
  2. All player cards are defeated.
  3. The player’s commander is defeated.
  4. Total rounds reach 100.

Damaging a World Boss

During a World Boss battle, the World Boss commander will not receive any damage. Any damage dealt directly to the World Boss commander will be mitigated to zero.

Instead, all damage dealt by the player to the World Boss deck will be converted into damage dealt to the World Boss health at a ratio of 1:1 at the end of the battle.

World Boss Difficulty Scaling

At the end of each World Boss season, the next season’s boss difficulty will be adjusted based on the current World Boss status.

For example, if the current season’s boss is successfully defeated, the next season’s boss difficulty will increase. If the current season’s boss survives, the difficulty of the next season’s boss will be lowered.

“There are upper and lower limits to the difficulty of a World Boss and the difficulty level will not go beyond those limits.”

| World Boss Rewards

There will be three reward categories for those who participate in the World Boss seasons.

Basic Reward

Only those who have successfully dealt damage to the World Boss can receive this reward. The reward amount will be adjusted according to the proportion of damage inflicted by the player to the World Boss over the course of the season.

Ranking Reward

This reward is only granted to the top 100 players of the World Boss season. The ranking is determined by the amount of damage a player has dealt to the World Boss.

Kill Reward

Players who manage to kill the World Boss during a season will be granted a Kill Reward as well. The reward amount will be adjusted according to the proportion of damage inflicted by the player to the World Boss over the course of the season.

The following assets are available as rewards:

  • EXP Items
  • Skill Items
  • Tickets
  • Equipment
  • Equipment Blueprints
  • Equipment Items
  • More to come!

Reward Collection

Rewards should be collected during the settlement phase of the current World Boss season or during the preparation phase of the next season. Rewards can NOT be collected after the deadline of these phases.

Rewards will be distributed to in-game balances once collected.

The World Bosses are Waiting!

Now you’re ready to take on Dream Card v1’s first set of World Bosses!

Is your deck strong enough to participate in the World Boss game mode? Take the time to explore the XWG Marketplace to find new cards that will power up your deck.

Otherwise, the X World Games team is incredibly excited to present our players with this new mode. We look forward to seeing what amazingly strong decks will be made to help defeat the World Bosses!

X World Games 💖 is a unique blockchain-based game ecosystem that aims to make blockchain features simple and fun for non-crypto players to own their NFTs.


