Introducing LUCID! X World Games’ New In-Game Asset

LUCID: Bright and Luminous

XWG Reporter1001
X World Games
Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2022


LUCID — XWG’s New BEP1155 Token Asset

X World Games is excited to unveil the newest BEP-1155 token asset — LUCID.

LUCID will be the primary play-to-earn reward asset throughout the XWG ecosystem. As X World Games enters the next phase of external gaming integration, the single-token economy model won’t be fit and inclusive enough to embrace the whole gaming metaverse. Therefore, LUCID will be the new incentive of Play-to-Earn and pave the path to XWG’s latest introduction of the Play-to-Earn-to-Stake (P2E2S) economy.

What is BEP-1155?

BEP-1155 is the multi-token standard that combines the fungibility of BEP-20 and the non-fungibility of BEP-721 in one contract, which finds a middle ground of fungibility-agnostic and gas-efficient (yes, cheaper gas!).

With a single BEP-1155 contract, users can deploy a token economy with fungible (tokens) and non-fungible (NFTs). Crypto projects like Axie Infinity have adopted similar models incorporating BEP1155 and multi-asset / token smart contracts into their gaming tokenomics.

BEP1155 in the X World Games will be an NFT-like asset that can be traded across all NFT marketplaces, like Opensea, Looksrare, and XWG’s official X Marketplace.

LUCID in X World Games

What is LUCID? How can I earn it?

Players can earn LUCID from playing games on the X World Games multi-gaming platform. Rewards can be generated from loot boxes to single-match wins. LUCID will have three types of rarity: Basic, Magic, and Super. The higher rarity ones will have a smaller drop probability and only can be obtained via holding higher-level characters or completing higher-level chapters.

LUCID and X Pool

LUCID will be the crucial and required fuel for staking with the X Pool. Players must consume a certain amount of LUCID while staking their Dream Cards to earn $XWG tokens. The staking mechanism with LUCID is now attached to the length of time staked, which means the more LUCID a player consumes while staking, the longer period that player can stake.

LUCID and Dream Card

Similarly, LUCID will be consumed for our new DreamCard upgrade mechanisms: Evolution & Fusion.

Players can craft higher rarity with the required amount of $XWG tokens, LUCIDs, and DreamCards they would like to upgrade through Evolution. To craft higher rarity DreamCards (i.e., Legendary or Mythic) will need higher rarity of LUCIDs — the Magic & Super.

The asset Shard will be the primary consuming token for the Fusion mechanism, which we’ll discuss in the coming introduction.

Why are we switching to LUCID?

LUCID will gain dominance and become XWG’s primary play-to-earn reward asset, while the $XWG token will lean its attribute more towards being the XWG governance token (DAO token). Hence, XWG will have a more adequate and sustainable economic design to ease the token inflationary pressure and bring more possibilities for making financial adjustments. A key point to address is whenever LUCID is consumed, it will be burned and thus removed from the supply.

What happens to the $XWG token?

Players can still be rewarded with $XWG through the Play-to-Earn-to-Stake (P2E2S) mechanism. $XWG will remain as the native token in the X World Games ecosystem, no matter how the eco-design or playing mechanism changes. In addition, the $XWG token will be the only governance token to hold and carry DAO votings, which will directly influence the X World Games’ future project development and ecosystem change.

With the new changes and the addition of LUCID, the X World Games ecosystem is becoming more complex but dynamic. These changes will promote healthy and vibrant economic growth in our earning scheme, tokenomics, and player userbase.

More to come

We will release more explanation articles and guide our community throughout the transition process. Please feel free to add comments or raise questions; we would like to hear more from you and help you understand the concept of LUCID and the mechanism change. So you can play with ease and earn big!

X World Games 💖is a unique blockchain-based game ecosystem, aims to make blockchain features simple and fun for non-crypto players to own their NFTs.


